From Such Great Heights

Feb 06, 2010 11:04

Name(s): Kyo Sohma, Open [possibly a narrative if no one tags]
Location: up on the roof of Hogwarts
Week: 50
Time: early evening
Rating: None

The only time he can feel high and mighty )

❧tohru honda, ❧edward elric, ❧kyo sohma

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elricwizard February 6 2010, 18:26:36 UTC
It wasn't Edward's habit to meddle at all, in fact he preferred to live in his own little world of studying. He'd grown used to moving staircases, talking pictures and the other students around him.

What he wasn't used to was seeing someone head for the roof. He caught a glimpse of the boy with orange hair heading up for the roof and sighed. He hoped he wasn't going to jump off, that would be incredibly messy...and probably he'd wind up being responsible somehow.

That, he definitely didn't need. He pushed his notes into his bag and followed after Kyo, the exact route he took from what he could see, although when it came to climbing, he was out of practice and somewhat slower as he'd never thought about sitting on the roof himself.

Finally he caught sight of Kyo while hanging on, dangling a little and sucked in a few breaths. "You aren't going to jump are you?" Somehow this wasn't what he thought he'd be doing as a prefect, honestly.


pissedoffpussy February 6 2010, 22:58:47 UTC
Kyo hadn't expected to have any company. For a school with magic flying brooms, not many students took to the roofs, at least that he was aware of. He didn't bother looking over when Edward climbed out onto the roof. He kind of recognized him as another Slytherin, but that was about it that stuck out in his mind.

Of course, Edward's question made him nearly fall off the roof. He couldn't be serious, could he? "Why the hell would I do something retarded like that?"


elricwizard February 6 2010, 23:14:17 UTC
He hoisted himself up properly and took a seat, a respectful distance away from Kyo. It was really really high up there, he thought.

Edward arched an eyebrow and looked at him. "Well I don't know, maybe you're depressed...maybe you think you can fly. You can't. Not without a broom anyway."

He sighed a little, he didn't actually know the other boy's name, but he'd seen him around. "Not that I'm prying or I want to hear about it or anything. Not really the kind of guy people open up to. I'm Edward."


pissedoffpussy February 7 2010, 02:30:34 UTC
Kyo wasn't sure if this guy was joking or what. Did he look like he was depressed...well okay maybe he did. Why did this guy care though? "I'm not stupid or crazy! I know I can't fly!" This guy was making some stupid assumptions. He looked away, off into the distance, "I just come up here to think and be alone, that's all."

Not that the second part was happening apparently. "Kyo," he replied, begrudgingly.


elricwizard February 7 2010, 05:20:39 UTC
It wasn't that he looked any particular way, Ed just didn't want to wind up in trouble for not stopping him if he was about to turn himself into a human pancake.

"Alone huh. Sorry." Ed muttered, he knew what that was like some days. "This is quite the choice though, hard to be followed. Not bad. Wouldn't be ideal for me though, there's a lack of books."

He looked back towards the way he came and sighed. It was still winter, he was not really up to chasing people up the roof. "I need a minute before I leave but feel free to pretend I'm not here if you like."

Edward tried to shift so his feet were under him with little success at first. Honestly, navigating a roof without much practice was just stupid. Sometimes, sometimes he wish he knew better.


pissedoffpussy February 7 2010, 21:36:19 UTC
Kyo flopped back on the roof, looking up at the sky instead. He knew he could just leave, but he didn't want to. He didn't feel like yelling at Edward to get lost either. It sounded like Edward wasn't interested in bothering him away. "Fine by me," he muttered.

If it was one trait Kyo shared with his fellow Slytherins, it was his antisocial behavior.


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