Name(s): Akefia Bakura and Azula Tsanglung (and Diabound)
Location: Slytherin Common Room
Week: 50
Time: Bit after dinner
Rating: PG-13. Language and violence very possible
Poised to strike, Diabound’s tongue flickered as Bakura tossed another rat in his direction. While Bakura preferred to let Diabound hunt for his own food, during the winter seasons he could only remain inside the castle due to his cold blooded nature so, Bakura went around and fetched food for him. Rats were relatively easy to find if you knew where to look for them and also not impossible to catch.
So instead of letting the snake roam free on the grounds, they were in the common room sitting in front of the roaring fireplace. The large snake slithered on the ground to retrieve its dinner while the Egyptian boy relaxed, bored really. Nothing really worth stealing at the moment other than a sword that used to belong to his roommate, Uchiha, but that was locked up pretty tight in the headmaster’s office and would take a bit of planning if he was planning on stealing that.
Obviously, he was planning on stealing it.