Name(s): Rangiku, any students & any staff who might want to visit before/during/after class!
Location: Charms classroom
Day: Nine!
Time: All day
OOC: I guess staff if you want to visit before or after class start a new thread?
Absolutely delighted with the outcome of her letter to Cid, Rangiku bounced into the classroom. Today was a good day.
She flumped into her chair and with a happy flick of her want she set her chalk to writing on the board.
"Hello, students! I have exciting news for you - the Headmaster has given me permission to start a Dueling Club! We'll be working on all the different areas and hopefully I can get some of the other staffers to help out and offer their expertise. Come and see me after class or in my office if you're interested and we can get something figured out as soon as possible ~ <3"
Rangiku leaned back in her chair.
Yeah. Good day.