Dec 10, 2009 00:51

Name(s): Demyx, Riku [OPEN TO YOU, YES YOU!]
Location: Random Hallway
Week: 45
Time: Friday
Rating: PG-13 to be safe

Number 9 had long since gotten tired of trying to fulfill his mission. Try to team up with the flame head, find Roxas's somebody. Yeah, that went really well. Not. Well, the part with Hades amounted to absolutely nothing. The somebody? He was still looking for. Or at least, he would be if he had now given up in his own way.

After several days of stalking the halls and sleeping in that yellow and black room he had woken up with the other day, he had finally decided he had had enough. It was lucky for him he had found his weapon sitting against the wall in that room or right now he'd be loosing it.

With nothing else to do, the nobody sat down on the ground against the wall of a hallway, lightly strumming his sitar as it sat across his lap. Truth be told he was bored and had hoped someone would cross his path eventually.

❧riku fardas, ❧demyx waters, ❧link virtus, ❧luxord holmes

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