Name(s): Cynthia & Yuma; closed
Location: Library
Week: 46
Time: Late afternoon
Rating: Cynthia :|
Things were crazy in Hogwarts again. Cynthia could deal with that, because they dealed with everything, but truth was she was worried. All kinds of people were getting a bunch of crazy ideas about who they were and what they were meant to be doing. Again, not that different from what could happen any given week in this place, but this time she hadn't heard from Yuma in a while and that was bad.
Wand in hand, she burst into the library in a way she normally wouldn't, except that she knew Sophie was off somewhere else and, well, what were the odds anyone would be studying in there right now?
"Yuma!" Calling out as she ran through the stacks, Cynthia looked down first one row and then another. "Are you here?"