More than just empty conversations

Nov 11, 2009 03:29


Name(s): Axel, Demyx
Location: Third Floor, West wing, empty class room
Week: 44
Time: Late Afternoon sometime after Demyx comes back
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of things like Friends w/ Benefits?

Axel sighed, closing his journal with a final snap. Demyx was not happy with him, that much was definitely true. "And I'm walking right into the danger zone. brilliant."

He pushed himself up from where he was sprawled on a common room couch and went to head out of the portrait hole. The third floor west wing--it was familiar and a quick trip from Gryffindor if you know the right short cuts. That being said, Axel took just seven out of the ten minutes he had planned for the trek to get to the classroom. Short cuts could be damn handy.

When Demyx didn't want to do something he had a habit of kicking his feet the whole way. It's not that he didn't want to talk to Axel, because he did. It was more that he hated confrontation of any kind. And right now he was not the happiest in the world with the Gryffindor.

After a not-so-quick detour to grab his sitar, for moral support (and to take longer, of course), he made his way to his and Axel's usual spot. From the Hufflepuff common room it took almost no time at all to get to the third floor classroom. Unfortunately, he was first.

"Great," he sighed, taking a seat at an empty desk and strummed on the instrument while he waited.

Axel was not expecting to be the second one there. He was hardly ever beaten to a location by anyone. Then again this was Demyx, partner in crime--he knew the halls just as well as Axel and his House was closer. It probably shouldn't have come as a surprise.

"Uh...yo," He called, leaning against the door for a second before fully entering the classroom. "You beat me."

The blond looked up from his sitar for a second when Axel entered, only to look back down at it a second later. “Would seem that way,” he shrugged, pretending to concentrate on the instrument’s strings. He absolutely refused to be the first to talk- It was Axel on the line here and he was already well aware of what his problem was.

Axel sighed and dragged a hand through his hair as he slumped into a nearby chair. So Demyx was more than just a little bit angry. "So, since Jim and Kaz let you in on some things, what story do you want to hear first?" He asked, trying to just slid into a normal strictly civil conversation. They could work out their issues once the tension wasn't so high with the both of them.

That was a little better, but Axel was far from off the hook yet. His hands stilled and he looked up, for good this time. “I dunno, let’s start with the easy one. What’s with you and Sakura going together to the Masquerade? As King and Queen, no less.”

Demyx was well aware that the two were on speaking terms again after several years of being torn apart/ But that? It was way more than he had ever expected. And while Demyx was ready to give Sakura the benefit of a doubt for the sake of his best friend, not telling him that much was not cool in his book.

"To be fair it was all Catty's idea on that one. She was getting a huge Wonderland group together and she stuck us in those roles." Axel responded with a shrug. Not that he was pinning it all on Catty, considering he'd probably end up hanging with them all during the night anyway. "And whatever happened with those costumes made people think they were what they were wearing--so yeah we kind of ended up going in together because of that. But we were pretty wonderlandian by that point. Why would it matter if I went with her or not?"

Demyx was following well until Axel said something that made the previous bits not matter at all. What did he care about it being Catty’s idea? But them going in together. “Wait, the costumes made you do what?” he asked. Simply being wonderwhatevian was not a good enough explanation.

The blond looked down of the strings of his guitar again. He was not about to tell Axel why it was a problem that he went with Sakura. To anyone it would probably look as if it had something to do with the past. But it was much more than that.

"They made you think you were who or what you dressed as." It happened to nearly everyone that night, so Axel hardly saw it as an important point. "I thought I was the King of Hearts for half the night. Sakura was calling for everyone to lose their heads."

The conversation seemed amiable enough, but there was still that tension, and it spiked just a bit on Axel's end when Demyx avoided is own question. "And you aren't going to answer me are you?"

“I know that much,” he bit at Axel. “Do you really think everyone left that out? That’s almost all I was hearing when I came back man. I just wondered…” he trailed off, looked away. “I just wondered if maybe anything actually happened. Since you were the King and Queen.”

Demyx couldn’t tell him the truth. Couldn’t. How did you tell your best friend’s they had feelings for them? He would have thought it would be easy considering how last year had gone for them. But actually saying how you felt was different.

“I dunno man,” he sighed. “I just thought you’d be a little more cautious with her is all.” Oh yeah. Real smooth.

"Happened? With Princess? No. And if it did I wouldn't be standing here without a black eye and several injuries--Kono is freaking nuts when it comes to Sakura." Axel said, laughing slightly at the idea. He just couldn't see something happening there.

He couldn't help but feel like Demyx wasn't saying the whole truth there, but if Demyx wasn't giving it up now it wasn't like Axel would hear all of it without a fight. Just perfect.

"Cautious? Are you saying that because of what happened with her before?" He raised an eyebrow. Yeah something was definitely up here.

“Right,” he answered. Really, he wanted to argue, but he knew Axel was right. The young Gryffindor may be small but he was mean. At least, when it came to someone he was protective over. And Sakura was one of those.

Fine, so he was right on that one. But there was still another story to be told. “So, what about this thing Kaz said she couldn’t tell me over the journals concerning Sakura?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Demyx sighed, scratched the back of his neck. “Okay, fine. I’m being stupid… I guess maybe I’m a bit jealous on that one,” he replied, avoiding looking Axel in the eye.

"Kaz...if anything is talking about the whole thing that happened when Sakura fell asleep in Gryffindor. A lot of things came out over that." Yeah that was not a fun time. "Kono through a fit over the journals."

And Axel probably just made a huge mistake there by not explaining every detail immediately. If there was one lesson he needed to lean and fast, it was to come out with every detail as soon as possible.

"Jealous? What the hell for?" Axel stared, rather surprised. Really. Demyx was his best friend too, hardly a reason to be jealous--and he stuck with him when he and Sakura were on the outs, double points there.

“She did what?” he sputtered and gasped much more than he intended. Sakura and Axel going to the Masq together was one thing. But Sakura spending the night in his dorm!? That was something entirely different. Hurt and confusion crossed his features. This wasn’t at all what he was expecting. It wasn’t like Sakura. Hell, it wasn’t even like Axel to do something that stupid. Not with Sakura anyways.

More jealous than ever now, Demyx completely looked away from Axel. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you went with me last year,” he replied, far from the offhand way he had been intending.

"Something happened, and she came over to just chill." He sighed. He still didn't know what had her so upset, enough to forgo all rules pertaining to sleeping arrangements and curfews even. "She fell asleep before she could think to move to the common room or the girls dorms for the night."

He scratched his head and looked off to the side. "When she came down the next morning I guess she still looked pretty upset and Kono slandered me all over his journal. Called me out about being gay too--had to correct him on that front." Stupid kid, Axel looked frustrated enough just remembering the whole ordeal.

"You're jealous because you went with me last year? You know if you didn't have your pops to worry about and could have been there I would have probably ended up going with you again? I didn't have costume genius with me, so I went with Catty's group idea..." His brows furrowed again. What the hell was going through Demyx's head right now?

Demyx really didn’t know how to feel about what he was just told. Everything about it sounded off. Well, except for the part about Kono yelling about him being gay. Oddly enough, that hurt a little too. He knew his best friend wasn’t exclusive to men, what kind of best friend would he be if it wasn’t? But he also knew he was the reason everyone thought he was. Last year the two had been far from secretive about their relationship, in the friends with benefits sort of way. But that bothered him to, he realized as his eyebrows knit in confusion.

“Right, so she was upset, went to your room, fell asleep? Then you got yelled at, told everyone you weren’t gay and then went with Sakura to the dance?” He repeated, still very confused and unsure about this whole thing. Was it only him who thought it sounded like there was much more to the two than friendship? Or was Axel just being stupid with the way he went about things.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, a sign that the was beginning to feel stressed out as he usually cared how it looked entirely too much to do it. “I dunno, man…” he trailed off, looking down at his sitar.

Axel blinked, stared, and then promptly felt like slamming his head into a desk. He really hoped no one else put things into the context Demyx just did, because that just took things to so many different levels they were not meant to go to.

"Nothing is going on there. She was upset, I played the part of a friend. And the Masquerade was meant to be a group thing as far as I knew. Well with the expectation of Catty and Ren probably..." Whatever, that was one couple out of how many people were in on the Wonderland idea?

"Why are you so worked up on it anyway?" He asked with a heavy sigh. "If I was even thinking of taking things that way with her, you know you would hear about it before I even began considering even acting out on it."

“Right, fine, I believe you. It’s just…” he sighed. “It’s just that’s not how it sounded, okay? It sounded like, you know…” he trailed off. He really did hate confrontations. It was far from his thing. He’d rather be up in the Hufflepuff Common Room jamming. But he knew better than to expect that. Axel was his best friend. Avoiding things would just make things worse in the long run and they both knew that.

This time Demyx looked right at Axel, looked him in the eye and everything. “Really? So… do you like her that way?” he asked. Whether or not Axel would pick up on it, the question was riddled with not only accusations, but his own insecurities. He’d watched Axel fall for other people before and well, this just felt like he was doing it all over again.

“Yeah, I realized that after you said something to that affect.” Axel mumbled, feeling just a tad bit idiotic about not picking up on it himself. No wonder there were reactions like those they had. Damn, he could have used having Demyx back weeks ago.

“What? No!” A bit quick to the defense on that. But really, he did see anything working there just yet. He wasn’t even looking to see if anything was there. “I don’t think so anyway. I never really considered looking at Sakura like that.”

As if he knew what his best friend was thinking, the shadow of a cocky grin crossed his features. “See, this is why you need me around. You’re too thick by yourself, man.”

Demyx raised an eyebrow and gave Axel a skeptical look. “You don’t even know, man? How could you not know if you like someone or not!” Only he knew the answer already. Quite simply, it was because it was Axel. “I’d know if I liked someone,” he muttered, breaking eye contact altogether. He couldn’t say much more in that respect, as it had even taken him two years and a relationship with another person to realize how he felt about Axel.

"My thoughts exactly Demyx. Kind of hopeless here without you." He gave a small grin. Well that took some tension off.

"I never thought about it! And she was in a relationship too. Not going to even try to look at a friend that way if they ahve someone." And the tension just flooded right back in. "Seriously man, not everthing is an easy click. You don't always automatically know if you like someone."

Sakura was in a relationship? Demyx didn’t remember this, but it still didn’t change anything. “Man, you’ve known her since you were what, 5 or something? You think you would’a figured it out by now,” he spit back, still not looking at Axel. Instead he begun tracing circles on the desk he was seated in out of nervousness. “Don’t you think maybe you should figure it out, since you know, the entire school probably thinks you’re together together now?” Yeah, together with him out of the picture now that no one thought he was gay anymore.

"Yeah sure, I'd figure that out between her dumping me to pine over Sasuke and us practically hating each other's guts. Oh and by the time we're all good again, she has a boyfriend--perfect time to try and figure that out." Axel spat back with a bit more venom than he meant to have. His lips were twisted in a frown and his eyes were lit with a sharp hint of anger.

"Seriously man, what the hell is going on for you to call me on that?" Because there had to be more here than just having the school possibly think that he and Sakura were together when they weren't.

“I dunno, maybe you could have figured it out when she left you for Sasuke,” he frowned, knowing that wasn’t right at all. “You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow stronger… or something like that,” he muttered. Yup, making your best friend angry at you rather than the other way around was totally the right way to go about this.

“Nothing at all. You’re the one who said you didn’t know, man,” he pointed to Axel to emphasize his meaning. “Figured maybe you should figure it out before someone else asks.”

"So what, are you trying to get me to see I like her or something? Because you are pushing a bit too much there Demyx." He still looked rather upset, but the anger had faded from his voice a bit.

"And I doubt you are trying to force me into some big bold revelation regarding my love life. So what is this really all about Dem?"

“Why would I go and do that, man? I just think…” he gulped. “I just think it’s best that you know what you actually want rather than figure it out later.” This. Sucked. Royally. He couldn’t tell Axel what it was. Couldn’t and wouldn’t. That could be bad.
He really did think it sounded like Axel might like Sakura, but he couldn’t be sure. Then add in fact that he himself had only gotten out of a relationship not too long ago on top of the feelings he realized he had for his best friend. It was when Fisheye went back to Beauxbatons that he had realized it. He thought it was loneliness at first, but he eventually realized that he had probably loved him all along. Count on Demyx to do things entirely the wrong way. Fuck now, love later.

“Sorry for trying to help, man,” he added, giving his best friend a sad, pathetic sort of look. Of course, it wasn’t as good as he had likely wanted it to be. Demyx never was good at hiding.

“Dem…I appreciate the help, but it’s not needed there all right?” He replied with a wry smile. He may be dense to some things, but really he could read Demyx like an open book. He could tell something else was there, but he was pressing for that answer for awhile now with no results. Obviously, he wasn’t going to hear that reason any time soon.

“If there’s something there, fine. If not, well people just got the wrong idea like they always do.” He sighed and stretched in his seat. “I’m not in a rush to figure something like that out when we just got around to really being friend s again.”

The blond took a deep breath in and let it all out a second later. Axel was… right. He hated to admit it, but he was being stupid. Jealous and stupid were his middle names.

“Sorry, man. I’m being a prick. I’ll drop it,” he finally admitted, looking apologetic. It was still hard to look Axel in the eye though. Doing it would only bring that unpleasant tightening of his stomach. Nervous was one way to put it. He knew he should tell Axel how he felt- as a friend. But that right there was the whole problem, wasn’t it?
Leaning back in his chair he lazily closed his eyes and rubbed his left temple. “ I guess I’ve been on edge since, you know…” I realized I loved you, he paused, keeping the words to himself. “Fish left and pop’s got sick.” Even with this truth to his lie, he still felt guilty saying it.

Axel sighed, and physically relaxed once Demyx started to back off. There was a lot of tension behind that subject for whatever reason, and letting it drop for the moment was probably one of the smarter ideas here for now.

"Don't worry about it Dem. You had a lot to worry about." He replied, shrugging off the whole offense like it was nothing. After all, they were friends, no reason to hang on an argument when Demyx was already on edge with things. "We're cool now right?"

Getting off the hook shouldn’t make someone feel this bad, but it did. Really bad. Why did he have to have a conscience after all? It only got in the way when stupid things like this came up, not that anything of this caliber had every really come up before. Couldn’t they just have the days back when they did nothing but have sex like rabbits all over the castle? Maybe it was part of growing up but it sucked.

Demyx rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. It was the only thing that would show that everything wasn’t entirely okay, but he knew Axel would likely write it off entirely. That would be if he even noticed.

He sighed and gave his best friend a sideways glance, “Yeah, we’re good. Sorry, man… I guess I should have listened to your side before getting upset. But you really gotta tell a guy things more often. It’s not the first time this has happened, you know.”

Axel caught the movement, the one thing that could always give Demyx away--it got them in trouble often enough that Axel knew it. Still, demyx had said he was on edge, and Axel would feel rather guilty trying to call him out on it now.

"I know, I know. But seriously Dem, I was going to tell you as soon as we met up. Seriously, give a guy some credit." He gave a wide grin. "Unlike some people in this school, I prefer to share news and stories in person instead of on paper. Makes for more interesting conversation."

Demyx resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Did Axel ever learn? Okay, he did, just not always the right things. “Man, you of all people should know that doesn’t always work here,” he of course referred to the many other times people had told him things Axel should have first. Those other times Demyx didn’t get nearly as angry as he had this time. But then again, it didn’t really pertain to a possible relationship with someone he was only just talking to again. “You gotta grab a guy as soon as possible or tell him in a way you might not wanna. Like an owl or a journal.” Really, while the first was nice, Demyx never minded the other two either. Any news was better than no news.

Axel laughed and nodded. "Yeah yeah. I know. My method kind of screwed things up royally this time." Royally was probably even an understatement here considering how angry Demyx had been earlier. "Guess it's time to try the method everyone else uses. Damn there goes being an individual."

“Man, I don’t care what you do with everyone else but I’m you’re best friend. You gotta tell me things right away, like uh…” he paused for a second, trying to remember it was to call the things. “Those telephones things muggles use? They use those to contact people faster than letters, right?” he asked, a bit unsure. “Think of it like that.”

"Idiot, I was talking about changing it around so word got to you first from me." Axel rolled his eyes and gave a low snort. "It's not cool that my best friend," he stressed it the same way Demyx did, though he added his own cocky grin," is learning thing about me from other people before I get the chance to tell him."

Demyx laughed, all the tension from before gone. It was as if it had never even happened, the way he acted now. “The way It should be,” he grinned as well.

❧demyx waters, !complete, axel incend

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