A Newcomer

Nov 02, 2009 14:14

Name(s): Fran Viela & Open to whoever else.
Location: Lurking along the hallways of the Hogwarts
Week: 44
Time: Mid-day, afternoon.
Rating: PG-13

Lingering within timelessness )

❧fran viela, ❧june hunter, ❧lucy diamond

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downwithdebs November 2 2009, 23:29:02 UTC
Now, Lucy wasn't really one for attending class. She had better things to do, like loiter in a hallway and enjoy the sweets she'd scored from scaring a moogle. Actually, she just asked for them, but that didn't sound nearly good enough. Throwing the lemon drop into her mouth she turned a corner, and a ground of first years scattered from the infamous Miss. Diamond.

She may have smirked a little bit. At least, until she spotted the professor, and then she rolled her eyes reflexively. Greeeeat. Just great. A professor. With... bunny ears? That was interesting at least.

"Hi." Lucy tilted her head to the side. "I'm guessing you're new." Plus side to missing a lot of school, was that you missed school. Downside was having even less of an idea what was what when you came back.

[OOC: Looks good to me :D]


thegreenword November 3 2009, 01:20:04 UTC
Nothing peculiar caught the attention of her amber eyes as she continued down the corridor. Languid in motion and feigning disinterest, Fran almost didn’t notice the young girl nearby until the other spoke. Unlike the other students she briefly acknowledged with just a nod, Fran opted to greet the other more formally since the student didn’t gawk at her with a look of fear.

“Greetings.” She replied with a faint smile. As curious as Lucy may have been about her, Fran was equally curious about her. Humes are more interesting than the Vieras who live within blissful obscurity.

“You are a student here, are you not?” Unsure of which House this girl may belong to, Fran tried to remember the colors assigned with such garbs. Blue and silver belong to Ravenclaw but sometimes the silver is replaced with bronze. Red and gold are the colors of Gryffindor while hues of green and silver are titled to Slytherin.


downwithdebs November 6 2009, 18:20:50 UTC
"Bingo," Lucy replied, snapping her fingers and tilting her head to the side in a gesture far from formal enough for greeting a teacher.

"Did the tie give me away?" the Slytherin asked with a somewhat cheeky grin, pointing to the silver and greet item. It was also askew and the top buttons of her shirt undone as it was yanked down and away from her neck, but whatever. Messing up her uniform was hardly the worst thing she'd done around here.

"You're one of our new teachers?" Geez, they went through a few here. She'd make a stab in the dark and say this one had to have a good bit of spine, though, because either she wasn't human or some very weird spell had happened. "What're you gonna be teaching?" came the next question, drawled easily as she grabbed another lemon drop.

[OOC: jafjkdf so sorry this took me forever. D8]


thegreenword November 6 2009, 21:08:52 UTC
Lucy’s disheveled style could come off as disrespectful if she was speaking to a stricter professor but her attire didn’t bother Fran at all. She wasn’t exactly aware if there was a strict dress code other than the uniforms that students needed to wear. In her judgment, as long as the girl at least wore her uniform, no troubles should come. However, Fran wasn’t very sure how anyone would be regard a professor donning black armor-like lingerie and black thigh-highs along with towering heels. Thank goodness, she actually decided to wear a skirt today and not just her usual attire.

“Divination.” She replied to the girl bluntly. “The art of prediction and fortunetelling.”

[ooc: Its okay! XD I swore I scared you off for a min]


downwithdebs November 6 2009, 21:20:55 UTC
Oh, please. "Divination?" she sounded disbelieving. Well, peachy. Go figure it was a new one for the hippy subject. Not-so-subtly she rolled her eyes. Maybe if Fran had been wearing her armour she would have been a little less likely to be disrespectful, and likely inclined to crack some sort of innuendo, but right now she was just sort of wondering why, for the hundredth time, it was she had wanted to come back.

"So reading tea leaves and stuff, huh? Do you ever get sick of drinking all that tea?" She smiled cockily. "Maybe, I dunno. You could try reading carrot shavings or something."

[OOC: FFFF NEVER! I am totally loving your Fran :D ... although I apologise for how unfriendly Lucy is.]


thegreenword November 7 2009, 01:02:48 UTC
Knowing about the skeptics within the wizardry world that failed to see the allure of Divination, Fran wasn't very shocked to hear of Lucy's dismay. However, she wasn't very thrilled about the words this student had to share about the subject. "So you doubt oldest forms of magic?" She asked with a rather stern gaze. The 'carrot' joke did very little to ease her mood but even when irritated, the Viera were always calm and poised.

"Fate and Destiny play similar roles but one is a prediction that can be changed and the other is a prediction that can't be altered. Only those of worthy skill can be seers who can read both Fate and Destiny together as one." Fran explained as calmly as if she was teaching a class about Divination already.

“I suspect you would lack such skill.”

[ooc: Pfft! Its K! Fran is ready for all nay-sayers!]


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