Name(s): Delita Heiral and whoever wants to bug him.
Location: Delita's usual Haunt, AKA the Library
Week: 42
Time: In the afternoon, after Tsunade's departure.
Rating: G
Studying. A common pastime that would annoy most, but it sent Delita Heiral's nerves at ease, allowing his mind to fly from all the things that had been bothering him. From the things that had been plaguing his mind for the past week and a half, sitting there and sending him in a whirlwind of emotion and confusion...
Ramza's injury. The carnage wrought by Ghost Widow. Sakura. His own path in life.
His mentor's departure, as evidenced by the large trunk that now sat beside his bed.
Sharp brown eyes glanced over the healing text that sat in front of him, a small piece of the trove inside the Trunk that he had so coveted. It was a rather simple technique, designed to remove welts and burns--something he could easily remove if he used his own technique--but sometimes wands were necessary, and a man's hands would do naught but cause extreme exhaustion without proper care.
His own fall in the medical wing proved that.
Shaking the thoughts out of his mind he stared down at the paper, mumbling the proper charm and picturing the wand movements in his minds' eye; it would look rather ridiculous to do such things in a library, but there was nowhere else for him to go. He would be found in his room for sure, and he didn't want anyone questioning the strange trunk of 'clothes' that he put next to his bed.
So the best course of action was to hide in plain sight...