
Aug 11, 2009 12:15

Name(s): Ashelia and anyone in her classes
Location: Transfiguration classroom
Week: 39
Time: Throughout the day.
Rating: G for now
Warning: Mun will be slow XD still catching up from hiatus

Classtime )

❧ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, ❧sasuke uchiha, harry dresden, ❧kazumi asakura, ❧konohamaru sarutobi, ❧jaina solo

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Sixth Year nethiciteashe August 11 2009, 18:11:21 UTC
Re: Sixth Year brbusinivalice August 12 2009, 15:56:17 UTC
He didn't particularly hate transfiguration, but it wasn't one of his most favored classes either. Despite the amount of skill he had garnered from increased amount of study, he couldn't find himself wanting to phone home about the class; sometimes he wondered if it was because of Professor Ashe herself, though in truth he had no real ill will towards her.

He didn't admire her like the majority of the students, but then, Delita didn't have many professors that he really admired. Iroh was a professor he cared for, but he was dead. Rangiku was favored, but hiding things from her was better than outright telling her the truth. He respected Professor Armando greatly, though he never spoke to him outside of class very much.

He took a seat near the middle-front of the room, usual notebook out to the side so he could take notes on the lecture.

This was going to be just another day in transfigurations, no doubt.


impassive_eyes August 13 2009, 14:42:07 UTC
Sasuke glanced over as someone he wasn't really familiar with sat down next to him.

This hadn't happened for a while. Most students still tended to avoid him, and Sasuke liked it that way.

He decided he was going to ignore him.

ooc: XD feel free to poke him with a sharp stick, Del


S-sob. Delita's not that social. brbusinivalice August 13 2009, 17:38:10 UTC
Sasuke may not be familiar with Delita, but Delita was very familiar with Sasuke. It was hard not to be familiar with him, when he was friends with Sakura of all people, who worried about Sasuke more than she worried about herself.


It was also hard not to know when said girl had an argument with her boyfriend because of Sasuke.

"Good morning, Uchiha." he said in his usual quiet tone. He could address him as "Sasuke" to Sakura, but as they didn't know each other in person well, he would be "Uchiha" until then.


s'okay, neither is sauce impassive_eyes August 14 2009, 03:57:36 UTC
Sasuke shot him a look out of the corner of his eye. He wasn't sure of how...the other guy knew his name. Probably reputation. Sasuke was reeeally searching his memory for a name, and falling short. Ugh.

He settled on a grumpy, "Morning," and left it at that.


God this conversation is epic in its lack of talking XD brbusinivalice August 14 2009, 04:01:27 UTC
Again, being friends with Sakura is a wonderful thing. Sort of. It at least got you to know who Sasuke was, if not only by how much she spoke of him. That, and they did run into each other once or twice.

Letting out a sigh, he flipped through his notes, scanning through them in preparation for the lesson.

He didn't need to deal with this.

But it was no wonder Sakura worried about him so much.


it's incredible. i'm amazed impassive_eyes August 16 2009, 21:35:34 UTC
...This guy...was irritating Sasuke for little good reason. Sasuke didn't like the way he was looking at him.

"...Who are you, anyway?" he said, giving him a sideways irritated glance.


INORITE?! brbusinivalice August 16 2009, 22:10:34 UTC
Delita let out a sigh. So he was asking him his name, now...? He certainly never cared before.

"Delita Heiral." He said. "I am an...acquaintance of Sakura's."


he's such a grumpyface, how does he have friends at all-- impassive_eyes August 17 2009, 01:32:24 UTC
That made Sasuke pay a little closer attention to him. No doubt if he knew Sakura, he probably held Sasuke in little esteem. He'd be smart to do so, too.

...Sasuke wondered how Sakura was doing; they hadn't talked in a while.

"Pleasure to meet you. Uchiha Sasuke," Sasuke said, making it clear he took little pleasure in the meeting.


I don't even know XD But then, Delita can't say much~ brbusinivalice August 17 2009, 04:25:20 UTC
It wasn't that Delita held him in little esteem because of what Sakura said, or her influence at all, really. It was because of how he acted all the time, the way he carried himself.

He seemed as if he was so much better, so much more important than the other students (nevermind that Delita did that himself from time to time), and had a fanclub to match his seemed ego.

Delita gave him a Look. Sasuke wasn't happy to meet him, and Delita wasn't too pleased with the meeting, either.

"I am quite familiar with your name, but the pleasure is mutual."

'Pleasure', of course, being as far from the truth as one could go.

Delita's look was a bit cold, almost a glare, but not quite.


Re: Sixth Year jazzy_hats August 13 2009, 04:50:10 UTC
Ryan wasn't particularly fond of the class either. He was more a Charms kind of guy and Transfiguration always seemed to allude him. Ryan could never quite figure out why, he wasn't horrible at it, per say, but when it came to his OWLs last year he had barely scraped by with the score he got.

Ryan let out a deep breath as he entered the classroom. For classes like these it worked out best if you mentally prepared yourself for it. Ryan took a seat towards the front, got out his things, and then folded his hands in front of him on his desk. At least the Professor wasn't as scary as some of the others, she actually made the class a little more bearable than it otherwise might have been.


Re: Sixth Year scroll_heir August 14 2009, 17:41:26 UTC
Catty actually enjoyed Transfiguration. She was good at it, when she applied herself. It really wasn't her best class, and it wasn't one of her top three favorites. But Professor Ashe was her Head of House, and she liked the young professor well enough. That respect might have come more from the professor being Professor Rangiku's best friend than anything else.

Still, she made her way into the back of the room, leaning back in her seat as she waited for class to begin. She glanced at the others in the room. Ryan was up front, looking ready for class, it seemed. Delita was... Having a not-conversation with Sasuke. She tried to keep from giggling at the two of them.


Re: Sixth Year nethiciteashe August 15 2009, 15:21:53 UTC
Once she was sure everyone had entered and taken their seats, Ashe stood up and moved to the head of the classroom.

"I hope you all have had a restful few days," she began. "Today we will begin working on NEWT preparatory spells and I hope you are quite ready for it. You should all remember Inanimatus Conjurus theory work from your previous year. Today, we will be focusing on putting it into practice. I would like for each of you to concentrate hard and attempt to conjure a match from thin air. This should be a little easier than other things I have asked you to Transfigure thus far in your career, so I expect no protests. If you need anything, please ask."

And she demonstrated the incantation and wand movement for them, Conjuring several matches onto her desk.


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