Name(s): Riza Hawkeye, anyone else!
Location: Quidditch pitch
Week: 38
Time: Morning onwards - all day
Rating: G...?
Notes: Students can bring their own brooms if they wish, but school ones will be provided for those without one. Reply in the thread corresponding to your year.
Up, up and away! /Lame )
Justin couldn't have used him as an enforcer if he broke his neck.
"I'm afraid to ask, but how exactly does this count as exercise?"
"Hey Professor," she said, greeting Professor Hawkeye, before scanning the rest of the gathering class. She tossed a grin in Harry's direction, but was too amused to answer his question.
He wandered over to a broom and crouched to pick one up. "I feel like someone's going to make me sweep the castle."
"This class is by no means easy," she deadpanned to the other two fifth year boys who looked to be slacking off, "If you do not intend to give your best I suggest you leave." To the whole class she pulled out her clipboard, began to take the roll and then explained the first of the basics of flying to get started, firstly making sure everyone’s broom responded when they said ‘up’.
OOC: Please reply to this thread! Order as follows; Harry, Kazumi, Shiki, Kyon, Edward, Riza. Reaaaally sorry for the late.
No way was he trusting his life to something that's primary function was sweeping dust.
Holding out his arm, he said, "Up!" The broom nearly took his arm off before circling around to hover next to his sprawled form. Holding up one arm, Harry sighed and said, "Is it normal for the broom to try and kill you?"
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