Time to have a little talk...

Jul 11, 2009 14:49

Names: Seifer Almasy, Mai [closed]
Location: Slytherin 7th Year Dorm
Week: 36
Time: Sometime after his talk/goodbye with Larxene, during Mai's free period
Rating: PG for Language and Melodrama

Though he had heard evidence of his sworn enemy's leaving no more than a few hours ago, Seifer's head was in a completely different place than celebrating Larxene giving her farewells to Hogwarts. Instead, he began running with his newly healed knee keeping up the pace. His trenchcoat trailed behind him, wofting an intimidating sound as the students around him began parting to get out of the way. Usually, Seifer Almasy running was a sign of bad times.

In actuality, he was running to meet with his "girlfriend of sorts," Mai. The 5th year and 7th year had begun seeing each other as more than friends, and had declared themselves an item without the tags of the "idiots around the school" as a couple. Still, it brought concern to his mind when she hadn't made a single appearance or conversation wtih him during his time recovering in the infirmary from a broken kneecap.

As he got to the Slytherin Common Room, he looked around, darting his eyes to spot the gloomiest girl in the room (and the school).

❧mai, ❧seifer almasy

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