Cleaning Crew Unite! (Random Circumstance)

Jul 08, 2009 00:08

Name(s): Pit, June & Miria
Location: Potions dungeon
Week: 36
Time: Midweek, in the evening-ish?
Rating: PG I guess...

Pit, always ready to help people in whatever way possible, did not hesitate to volunteer when he heard that the potions dungeon needed tidying. It wasn't like he had anything better to do with his time anyway, not to mention this may well serve as the perfect opportunity to meet, or get reacquainted with, fellow students. And, he grinned to himself, earn house points, if he was lucky.

As he made his way down to said room, he felt glad that his amnesia only affected his memory of people; he'd have totally gotten lost had he forgotten Hogwarts entirely.

When the little Hufflepuff reached his destination he was surprised to see that no one had arrived yet... that he could tell, anyway. With a shrug he pushed the door open, only to freeze, mouth agape, at the sight before him.

Tidying up, indeed. Oi.

(ooc: lame post is lame... sorry I'm tired and I figured I should get this up before running off to bed...)

❧june hunter, ❧miria phantom, ❧pit icarus

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