Afternoon Visit

Jun 24, 2009 00:05

Name(s): Edward Elric, Roy Mustang (Closed)
Location: Roy's Office
Week: 35
Time: Afternoon, Friday
Rating: PG13, probably, at least.

Edward still looked as though he'd been put through the ringer when it came down to it. He was exhausted and running on very little, but he was motivated. After all, this was something he always wanted to know, and would prove terribly useful.

With his goals in mind, he knocked on Professor Mustang's door and when called, entered the office. The idea of being in an enclosed space with a professor was a bit disconcerting, but for the most part that was out of his mind, as he was focused on his goals. He closed the door behind himself firmly because this talk was not for prying eyes or eavesdroppers.

"Professor Mustang." Edward began. "I wanted to speak to you."

❧roy mustang, ❧edward elric

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