A walk to heal the scars of loss

Jun 17, 2009 00:10

Name(s): Toph, Aang--mildly open if anyone wants or needs to hop in :3
Location: By the Lake
Week: Week 35
Time: Mid-day Monday?
Rating: PG?

Aang had come out to the lake as soon as he had finished scribbling his last note to Toph. He was pacing my the shore and tossing pebbles into the still waters.

He watched the ripple spread out until they weren't any different from the slight waves brought up by the breeze and the gentle lapping of water on the shoreline. He shot out another pebble, created another set of ripples, and planned on doing this all day until Toph found here way down here.

❧aang, ❧toph bei fong

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