Getting Back in the Game....Sort Of.

May 19, 2009 22:40

Name(s): Link, Del, and Sheik. Sorry, this will be closed for now.
Location: Random Classroom (I know it's unoriginal!)
Week: This is 33 right?
Time: Sometime after classes are done. After dinner I guess?
Rating: It's with the love triangle, so I'll put PG-13 to be safe for now. Will update later if I must.

Link hadn't been hungry lately. He still ate, but not as much as he normally did. His head was still filled with thoughts about Sheik and Del. How did he get himself into this mess? Sheik has refused to talk to him for ages now, and Del hadn't been very supportive either.

With the coming of Spring, the sun was starting to set much later than it had been a few weeks ago. Stopping at a window on his way back to the Gryffindor common room, Link paused and watched as the sun slowly began to sink behind the line of trees that made up the Forbidden Forest. It was really a beautiful view, but the Hylian was too wrapped up in his thoughts to appreciate it.

❧sheik irfaan, ❧dark link 'del', ❧link virtus

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