I can't seem to concentrate. Maybe it's something in the air.
[Her voice is soft and thoughtful.]
Or maybe I'm getting sick again. It is awfully cold outside and I didn't wear my cloak the other day.
[Sighing solemnly, she is silent for a long moment.]
The essays I assigned... I'm giving you more time. [Mainly because she doesn't feel like grading them.] I will give you extra credit if you tell me which illnesses the
Rosy Periwinkle can help.
[Private to Lightning.]
I...consider you my friend. As my friend, I...want to talk about something. It might seem silly to you, but I can't stop thinking about it.
[Private to Fang & Vanille.]
The sheep is doing really well. He keeps me company everyday. I just...wanted to thank you again for him.
[Private to Serah.]
What do you want for Christmas?
[Private to Reno.]
Do you have someone to help your dog through the birth?