
Nov 11, 2010 01:40

Wow! It's hard to believe that it's already this late in November, isn't it!?

How is everyone doing?

Oh! I almost forgot! I was playing with Hikari the other day and when we were playing fetch... he came back with someone else's wand I think. So if anyone is missing their wand, I may have it. Just let me know alright?

hikaru shidou

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notabride November 11 2010, 07:06:38 UTC
Almost half-way through the month. How are you doing, Hikaru?


legendary_fire November 11 2010, 07:34:00 UTC
Yup, Almost! Me? I'm doing great Mulan. What about you?


notabride November 11 2010, 07:39:22 UTC
That's good to hear. I'm doing fine, thank you.

If no one comes forward, one of the Professors might recognize the wand.


legendary_fire November 11 2010, 08:46:07 UTC
Say, that's a great idea. Someone is bound to recognize it.

Do you think, if someone does come forward.. do you think I should ask for them to describe what the wand looks like, and is made out of before I let them see it?


notabride November 11 2010, 09:46:39 UTC
That's a good idea - and a safe one. It's very rare that someone can use a wand that isn't their own without backfire.


legendary_fire November 12 2010, 03:21:56 UTC
Really? I didn't know that.. I guess I should never try to use someone else's wand!

[Though now she's curious about what might happen]


notabride November 12 2010, 09:21:37 UTC
Well, sometimes the backfire can be harmless, but other times it can be rather...alarming.

[Go people watch at a wandshop, Hikaru. It can be exciting, educational and sometimes hilarious!]


legendary_fire November 12 2010, 17:58:25 UTC
It's kind of amazing isn't it? How we each manage to find wands suited for our own use and no one else's. Well, at least it seems amazing to me.

[That sounds like it would be fun! Might have to do that sometime]


notabride November 13 2010, 07:19:41 UTC
It is. It's the way of our magic, unique to us, matching and bonding with the wands that either call out to us or we call out to.

[Bring popcorn! :3]


legendary_fire November 14 2010, 06:50:36 UTC
I wonder just how many combinations of materials there are out there, and why certain people bond with certain types... do you think it has to do with our personalities? Or the type of magic we're more suited to casting?

[And little boxes of candy!]


notabride November 14 2010, 07:08:31 UTC
Probably more than we can count. [Haha~ She's read up on this stuff Hikaru. xD] A lot of what materials are used in certain regions have to do with what is found in those regions. What we bond with, well everything about us and our magic play a big part in it. Some materials bond specifically with users who are suited to a certain thing. Sometimes even before we learn what our talents are, our magic already has a sense of it.

[A trip to Honeydukes first is well advised!]


legendary_fire November 14 2010, 07:28:34 UTC
Wow! You must have really thought about this a lot, Mulan! [Pays close attention] So I guess that means that although it may seem like a wand or a person randomly selects one another there's really more to it then that?

[Could we really?! They do have a lot of sweets there!]


notabride November 14 2010, 07:56:21 UTC
Not...well, one of my ancestor's was a Magical Crafter. He wrote books full of notes. [Which she read instead of attending social events. 8| Derpderp.] Mhmm. They're not really random at all. It's your magic and the magic of the wand reacting to each other. Of course, custom made wands are a bit different...

[Of course! :D Have to load up before the big production!]


legendary_fire November 16 2010, 18:55:16 UTC
Really!? I didn't know that! Had you mentioned that before? [Fascinated Hikaru is fascinated] Kind of like.... [A pause] magnets. Magnets are attracted to each other naturally! Well.. it's not quite like that but... you get it. Custom wands tend to be expensive, don't they?



notabride November 17 2010, 16:49:01 UTC
Probably not - not many people wonder about wands, just how to use them. [Daw, are they bonding over something? xD Sounds amused, good analogy Hikaru! :3] Sort of like magnets, yes. It depends upon the maker and quality of ingredients, but generally they are quite pricey. It's a lot of work fashioning a wand to just the right specifications, and custom wands are usually ordered with certain details or family emblems put on them.

[Might even want to grab some Butterbeer~]


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