♥ entry 015; voice.

Aug 08, 2010 16:45

I want to apologize for my recent absence, I had a family emergency to tend to, ..
Is everybody alright, I heard about what happened with the Hall of Mirrors.

.. so I was thinking that now might be the perfekt time to push the Fashion Show. It could help everyone to take their minds off of what happened last week, as well as some of the more recent stuff.

Before anybody says anything, yeah, I know that not everyone is a designer, but there will be plenty to do. Each designer will need models, after all, and I am going to need help putting together a runway, .. so what better way to come together than to have another little project to work on.

I thought I might as well try to sweeten the deal, too, so if enough of you participate, Lava Springs will sponsor the event. What does that mean, you might ask, well it means that one- there will be a prize, and two- that designers will be allotted a bit of money to shop for materials at Mood.

Oh, and I encourage the Professors to join, too, .. that or participate as judges, although I think that Professor Heart and Professor Sutcliffe may be the best candidates for that.

[ Big pause. ]

So, with all that having been said, is there anybody will to participate, whether it be as a designer, a model, or part of the crew, ..?

❧sharpay evans

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