Strikes totally legible

Jul 29, 2010 03:30

Waking up in the boys dorms? Not funny. In the SLIGHTEST. Whoever is responsible for this prank is going to pay, dearly.

It reeks in here. Don't you all know how to bathe?

I probably don't want to know whose bed this is, do I?

(OOC: Al is female and a bitch. Also, girl!Al clearly thinks she's always been this way. Icon might change, still not ( Read more... )

❧alphonse elric

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Shock. There is shock. notabride July 29 2010, 21:38:26 UTC


Sooooooorrryyy D: take10_give11 July 30 2010, 03:01:29 UTC
What the fuck is wrong with everyone today? Has there been a mass stupidity spell that's gone out and I don't know about it?


She should be used to this by now, really. notabride July 30 2010, 03:11:04 UTC
No, but there does seem to be an extreme case of change in attitudes. And genders. And time lines.


She really should. XD take10_give11 July 30 2010, 03:26:05 UTC
I, however, have not changed, and yet people continue to act as if I'm unrecognizable.


Ah well. I suppose that's what stunners are for. XD notabride July 30 2010, 03:32:29 UTC
Perhaps, Al, you just think you aren't unrecognizable...


Indeed. XDDD take10_give11 July 30 2010, 03:36:27 UTC

Explain yourself.


The question is, will she need one this time? :o notabride July 30 2010, 03:37:45 UTC
The Al Elric I know, that everyone here at Hogwarts knows, is male, for one thing.


Hmm. So far, the only person Al's a danger to physically is Kairi. We'll see if that holds. take10_give11 July 30 2010, 03:44:11 UTC



That's impossible. I realize we've had incidents before where genders got changed, but everyone was aware of the change at the time. It doesn't make sense that I would have fifteen years of memories as a female if I wasn't.


Hum~ Possibilities. notabride July 30 2010, 03:49:14 UTC
It doesn't seem to be a sole gender switching incident. Some individuals have completely opposite personalities, some have both, some appear to be alive, though once dead... It's odd. But here, proof;

[And Mulan places a Gryffindor photo of Al and the rest onto the page from a recent party.]

That's you, in the middle. With the cat on your head.

None of this incident is making sense, but this is what-who we remember you as, Al.


:3 take10_give11 July 30 2010, 04:11:06 UTC
[She stares at the picture for a long time. The boy looks like her brother, sort of. Ed has always looked more like their father, but the one in the picture definitely has more of their mother in him. It's strange. Otherwise, there's no recognition- Al doesn't recognize him as herself, she doesn't FEEL anything when looking at the photo. Aside from that- if this is indeed her- a cat is touching her, eew, and she looks so happy. That's rather alarming.]

I suppose you expect me to believe that I'm one of those with both? If that IS me, it looks like I've had a good portion of my brain removed.


:D notabride July 30 2010, 04:43:59 UTC
You do not!

[Mulan is defensive of her friends -- even if they are the ones who need to be protected from themselves.]

Your name is Alphonse Elric. Your brother is Edward Elric. You're a wonderful person, a brilliant Gryffindor. You're kind, caring and not afraid to help someone when they need it, no matter what the problem might be. Cats are your favourite animal and whenever someone can't find you, they know to look in the library, as you are more than likely there and somehow surviving through your incredible course load.

Whether or not you believe all of this is your choice, but I won't let you say such negative things about yourself -- your true self.


>D take10_give11 July 30 2010, 05:10:04 UTC
Oh really? And what are you going to do about it, scold me in written form?

My "true self" sounds like a pathetic excuse for a human being. I hate weakness. If you can't stand on your own two feet, you should do the world a favor and AK yourself.


D: notabride July 31 2010, 21:49:18 UTC
No, no I'm not going to scold you. It wouldn't do a thing to you, really.

[She's just going to stun you when she see's you, Al. She'll feel guilty later, but it'll be the best thing ever at the moment.]


*patpat* take10_give11 August 1 2010, 07:56:53 UTC
I'm glad you finally see it my way.

(Hahaha, Al is totally asking for it at this point. No need to feel guilty. :P)


:o notabride August 2 2010, 02:28:09 UTC
Oh, I don't. I just realize that words don't work with someone who doesn't bother to comprehend them.


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