✌ two. [ another accidental recording; ]

Jul 21, 2010 03:54

Dean, I thought I told you to keep quiet. Just let go a' me and- Hank, stop pulling- aaaaah! -aaaaah!

[ Hank trips, taking Dean out, sending them both tumbling into a small ditch. a Lot of grunting can be filters through the feed before, finally, silence. It's a couple of moments before anything is heard. ]

O-ow ...

Hank, get offa me! I can't breathe! ...Hank?

Super lame. What am I supposed to... hey!

[ Dean strains for Hank's journal, which happened to fall near them. ]

Aw, shucks. I hope no one heard-

[ And here he stops dead. Because Dean just realized that he's surrounded by a scrambling horde of spiders, and spider eggs, and spider webs. And there is a GIANT SPIDER in the forest with them. Walking. Toward. Him. ]


hank venture, dean venture

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