Steelguard ❄ 001

Jul 14, 2010 22:26

[The journals opens to a chuckle and the sound of fluttering pages. Someone has actually been reading what went on in the journals in the last two weeks or so.]

Well- glad I missed that one with the unicorns- though I gotta admit, woulda paid money to see what happened when people hit those stars.

[Oh, he’s practically asking for it-]

Maybe you can gimme a firsthand account, huh Sis?

[And while he waits for Lightning to start yelling...]

For the rest of you, my name is Snow Villiers- formerly of the Falmouth Falcons- and starting this week, I’m the Martial Arts teacher for grades three through five… don’t worry though guys- I’ll try not to bore ya to death.

snow villiers

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