Guess who's going to be in the next episode of Brave and the Bold.
Guess. Go on.
Oh my god. I screamed when I saw the next episode preview. He's only in the beginning, those short little adventures before the opening theme, but STILL. WHAT IF HE'S IN MORE EPISODES HMM. I might cry tears of pure joy if he is.
Also, the two-parter season finale of BatB was completely amazing. I really liked it. The Red Hood was really cool, and the Joker was AWESOME. I need more synonyms for awesome because it does not even. Describe how much fun it was. I laughed the entire time. I love this show.
Oh right. Watchmen. Pretty freakin' awesome, I'd say.
I can say with great confidence that I loved it. A lot. I had almost no gripes with it (save a few, but we'll get to that) and there were so many awesome little things that I noticed while I was watching, and I'm sure I'll catch more the first time around. I was pretty satisfied with it, and I'm definitely buying the DVD when it comes out (though I might wait for the extended cut, if it comes out on DVD too.)
- Little touches like the Comedian having pictures of Laurie and Sally in his apartment, Hollis having about 5 thousand copies of Under the Hood in his room (and Adrian having a copy on his desk, too), all the Egyptian memorabilia Adrian had in his office (I think I saw the Narmer Palette. My tiny inner history buff sort of exploded.), all of Adrian's purple suits and lights to make up for his lack of purpley goodness in his costume, the bit at the beginning at Sally's retirement party with Hooded Justice and Captain Metropolis being gay in the corner and a bunch of stuff that I'll probably write about when I see it again.
-The opening montage of awesome. THE GIRL PUTTING THE FLOWER IN THE SOLDIER'S GUN BARREL. It looked like an homage to the Kent State University shootings (but that also happened at the Pentagon in 1967, apparently), and again, my inner history geek (particularly the part that researched that for National History day) was jumping around in her seat. Yeah. It did that for the entire montage, actually, because it was just so awesome.
- RORSCHACH. He's always been my favorite and I was so worried they might mess him up somehow but I. I was blown away by JEH. The man needs an award. A big shiny award to commemorate how damn amazing he was. I loved his voice and his body language and his facial expressions and his HAIR WAS SO ORANGE AND AWESOME and he was just so intense. I kept bouncing in my seat whenever he came on screen and just. I love him forever. Also, am I the only one who cried when he died!? I didn't expect his voice to break when he said 'Do it." the first time and I just. died inside.
-The new ending. I might like it a biiiit better than the original because that squid kinda came out of nowhere. I know a lot of the diehards were pissed about the squidless ending but it makes sense in context. Also, I didn't notice it my self but apparently the project for Doc Manhat's bomb was called S.Q.U.I.D. That makes me happy.
- EVERYONE. Seriously, everyone was almost completely pitch perfect for their roles. I agree with some when they say that Laurie was a bit wooden, but I can forgive one person not being completely up to par because everyone else was great! Dan was doofy but also a bit more badass then he was in the GN and Laurie kicked a lot more ass, too.
-OH THE FIGHT SCENES. I actually liked the lengthening of the fight scenes (but I could have done without the gore. I'm kind of squeamish about GUTS HANGING FROM CIELINGS). I especially liked the scene with Ozy, Rorschach, and Nite Owl fighting each other in Karnak, that was really nice.
-Dan actually reacting to Rorschach's death. In the GN, as much as I like the scene next to the pool, there was no reaction to Rorschach dying. At all. And I know it was supposed to be symbolic or something but it didn't make sense that Dan, at least, as his old partner, would have no reaction to him exploding into tiny pieces. I'm glad they showed that he actually cared about him as a friend, and tried to stop him from leaving. It was sweet, to me. Also the big NOOOOO just made me cry more, darn it.
Just gonna stop now because if I keep going we'll never get this finished.
-All the gore wasn't terribly needed, like guts. Hanging from cielings. SEEING THAT GUY GET HIS ARMS SLICED OFF SDLKFJSDLK and um. Blood spurting from broken arms. But that's okay. I can live with it.
-Diiid we really need that long sex scene? I thought it was more effective in the comic where there was only a few panels and then it kind of faded out, not a fullblown scene complete with Hallelujah playing in the BG (which was utterly hilarious, actually) and the spurt of fire. Yeah. It actually felt like a parody at that point and I'm not sure if that's what they were aiming for. >_> I can just fast forward through that though so. Yeah!
-Umm. Oh, the Comedian wasn't quite as...not unlikable as he was? Does that make sense? I mean, he was a huge douchebag, but I didn't walk away from the GN hating him. I actually felt kinda bad for him. In this, not so much. It wasn't the acting, I don't think (because Jeffrey Dean made an excellent Comedian) but just. I dunno, maybe it was the writing?
-Speaking of Eddie Blake, the impact of Laurie finding out he was her dad wasn't quite there. I think it would have been better if they had included the flashback where she confronts him about the attempted rape of Sally and he just sits there saying, "Well it was only one time." You just didn't get a sense of how devestating that was for her.
-Uhh. Oh, this isn't the movie's fault but mine. I didn't get the big impact of finding out Adrian was behind it all because I was too busy laughing hysterically at the folder labeled 'BOYS' in his computer. I was laughing like a maniac. When I next see it I'm sure I'll be able to ignore it though. Maybe. God Adrian the only way you could have been gayer was if you kissed Dan or something. The Village People? Come now.
Oh, and I know there were some complaints about the soundtrack from some people. I liked the songs that were in it, but sometimes it just didn't fit the tone, I don't think. I dunno.
I could talk about this for a good long time so I guess I'll just cut it off there. Needless to say, I loved it and I'm going to see it again as soon as possible. :D