Jan 09, 2009 15:29
Things that were awesome about today:
-It's my birthday. :3 Sixteen, baby!
-I'm just about to head to my best buddy's house to spend the night and do awesome stuff like watch Transformers and play Metal Gear. <3
-Two people brought balloons to school for me! The aforementioned best buddy and another good friend, who got me this HUGE Optimus Prime balloon. XD It was windy today so it kept hitting me and other people in the face. But I got a few friends to sign it, that was fun!
-Another friend gave me a Care Bear. XD It's kinda cute!
-I think I kicked ass in my exams today. Hopefully this trend will continue on Monday and into semester exams.
-I watched the Interview with the Vampire movie yesterday. It was pretty cool! Tom Cruise did a suprisingly good job as Lestat, I was impressed. He danced with a corpse. XD Brad Pitt was pretty good as Louis, and Antonio Banderas was a very nice Armand. :D
-I got 75 dollars yesterday for a combined birthday and Christmas present, plus a bunch of other stuff, from my crazy great-aunt. :D That combined with the money I'm gonna get tomorrow should make me RICH >D
Talk to you all tomorrow, hope your day was as great as mine. <3
today was so badass