Jan 04, 2009 21:55
Stuff that made me happy today:
-My best friend ever got home from her holiday vacation today! I missed her like crazy, I was super bored without her craziness around.
-We went to an ice-skating rink and skated around to celebrate! :D It was very fun.
-She bought me this tiny dollar figure of the Question! Renee!Q, but it was still nice. XD She didn't know that there was more than one, so when she opened it she said, "....Why does Q have a ponytail? And a chest!?" She bought it on ebay, and I guess there wasn't a picture, it was just advertised as a figure of the Question and it was only a dollar so she got one for me and one for her.
-She also recieved the MGS2!Ocelot figure she ordered! She was so excited, she kept playing with the tiny revolvers that came with him.
-I talked to a friend I hadn't spoken to in a long time today, it was very nice. He got a laptop for Christmas, I'm jealous. XD
-School tomorrow actually isn't sounding all that bad. I'll get to see all of my friends again, at any rate, and that should be nice.
-I watched an episode of the old X-Men cartoon. It was rather hilarious, actually. XD
- Speaking of X-Men, I learned today that I am three inches taller than Wolverine. AHAHAHAHA. And I'm the same height as Rorschach, which is also kind of hilarious.
Since school starts tomorrow, I won't be on much again, at least for a week or two. I 'll be on during the weekend, though, promise. Wish me luck on my exams! Later!