First off, welcome to my new friends from the friending meme. :D
Secondly, I am getting so psyched for House. Is it September 16 yet? The trailers that were released about a week ago have been open in my browser for a few days now.
Thirdly, I just found this on the H/W comm. E! is having a poll on which couple is better: House/Cameron, House/Cuddy, or House/Wilson. I voted for Wilson, and H/W is slowly moving up in the poll! and vote, you guys!
Fourthly, I have a meme for you guys.
ace-of-spades6 posted a meme. Here are the instructions!
1) Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2) Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
3) Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4) This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee!
So, she chose 6 of my icons. Here they are!
I love this icon so much. <3 Nine and Rose are just really adorable to me. And I miss Nine. And don't they just look so cute right there!? This was one of my favorite moments of that episode, too (End of the World).
Again, it's Nine and Rose! They're just too cute. Rose is like 'HEY I'M GONNA REST ON YOUR SHOULDERS NOW K?' As you can see I really love Nine/Rose. Also, the colors are pretty. :D
Oooh, the Sound of Drums. This icon combines two of my loves: The Dark Knight and Doctor Who. For those of you who don't watch DW, there's this man called the Master who's...really insane. He hears drumbeats in his head all the time. He started hearing them when he was eight and they drove him mad. Anyways, the Joker and the Master seem to have a similar brand of crazy, so I thought it was cool that I could have an icon that references both of them.
Neeeeil! <3 I love Neil Patrick Harris to tiny tiny bits. He's so adorable! His smile is really cute. Also, this is from the Doctor Horrible panel at Comic-Con, and I love Doctor Horrible. This reminds me, I can't wait for How I Met Your Mother to start up again. :D
Isn't it hypnotizing? I actually grabbed this before I watched Blackpool. Sadly, I've only seen the first episode. I plan to watch the rest soon, though! Anyways, DT dances and sings in it, and I love watching him dance. It's fun! :D When I look at the icon I start tilting my head from side to side.
JOSEF KONSTANTIN. <3 Does anyone on my f-list watch Moonlight? If you don't, GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. It's really good! It's about vampires. AWESOME vampires that will kick the crap out of you, or, if they're rich and don't like getting their hands dirty (like Josef), will PUT OUT A HIT on you. You will then be eaten by 'teenage' vampires. :D
Anyways, he is freaking awesome and I love him to bits, too. Too bad the show got canceled, it was great. D: