Jan 28, 2005 20:11
Why is it that every time there's some crazed third world militant running around and causing chaos it always ends up he was trained or set up by the US!?
I'm reading about these crazy gang lords in Mexico kidnapping everyone, and lo and behold; they were originally trained by the US military for the Mexican army. The list is long and sad. Of course Saddam is its biggest star. We propped him up to counter Iran. That turned out well for us didn't it? When will we stop meddling?
We keep winning the military battles and losing the war for the hearts of the world. We are hated across every hotbed on the globe because of our insane backroom dealings. The truly tragic part is that it never works. Every time we train or empower some dope it comes back to bite us in the ass. And the hatred grows.
Our country has been in the position for a long time now to be, if you'll forgive the term, a witness unto the world. We are the touchstone of free societies. The downtrodden out there wanted to love us. They wanted to look to the US as a bringer of freedom to the world. Instead we've trained thugs.
Did we not believe in our own ideology? Why did we think a thug was any better than a communist? Yes, we won the cold war, but not by promoting democracy. We won it by stopping communism. Now we are experimenting with forcing democracy on third world countries. I just don't see how the mess we're making in Iraq will do anything but bite us in the ass once again. I sure know it's bankrupting us and robbing from the fortunes of our children for today's needs.
I hope I'm wrong, I hope this new method of changing the world works better than our cold war methods. But I don't believe I am. I can't bring myself to drink the Bush Kool-Aid.