Friending Meme!

Jun 27, 2011 18:50

Recently befriending the enigmatic maypirate has brought new rituals of the world of LJ to light.
This time, I got to question myself. Okay, that didn't sound just right; basically this is one of the trendy ways to introduce yourself here. I think. Any way, this was fun!

For the brave ones who want to get to know me a bit more... )

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makowe_pola June 28 2011, 09:06:03 UTC
Hi! I ninja!friended you after seeing your art in STRBB, cos I waited till conclusion of that challenge to learn who drew something this epic. So, uhm, hello :D

(and you like Torchwood! And you drew them! You're feeding my inner fangirl :D)


squarededdie June 29 2011, 01:32:24 UTC
Hi there, nice to meet a fellow Torchwood fan.
Ninja!friended?! That's something new...! Haha.
So whereabouts do you come from? :)


makowe_pola June 29 2011, 17:09:24 UTC
Well, I friended you so I can stalk your art from the shadows, hence the ninja thing lol

My whereabouts? At the verge of the civilisation as we know it Poland lol


squarededdie June 30 2011, 01:54:08 UTC
Oh, okay, got it.
A Polish Ninja? Cool!
I saw your art at STRBB by the way!
The one with the Uhuras and Q is just fabulous.
I love Q's expression, and the colours are beautiful.
Dang, I'm never good at colour palettes... I envy thee.


makowe_pola July 3 2011, 07:20:27 UTC
Believe me,being Polish isn't really cool XD
Personally I'm not really fond of that picture, colours are OKish, I guess, but the general composition is way too off for my liking. Sadly I noticed that when I was basically finished with it and since it was traditional media, I couldn't do anything to fix it and I wasn't desperate enough to re-do it from a scratch lol

Not that I really am great with colours now, but I was really bad with them, like BAD, at the beginning. I just decided to learn how to do it- it comes with time and experience, I guess. If it's your aim, you'll get to satisfying results, good luck with that :D


squarededdie July 4 2011, 01:20:52 UTC
Hehe, the perfectionist, eh? ;) I still like it!

It's more of rendering the feel of an atmosphere in comics for me right now.
People who judge a book by its cover be damned; I've been let down too many a time by books which had great covers but lousy stories... don't want that to happen with my stuff.

Thanks for the luck mate; looking forward to see more stuff from you too.


makowe_pola July 5 2011, 10:59:55 UTC
Well, either perfection or nothing :D If I don't see my mistakes, my skills don't progress ( ... )


squarededdie July 6 2011, 01:25:48 UTC
I understand your point in making covers appealing... in the commercializing/marketing sense, but that's exactly what I like to avoid.
The fact that most of my favourite books having the dullest of covers backs up my skepticism. On contrary to your approach, I usually pick stuff up judging from their title/summary or an episode I happened to read in a magazine. Comes down to each one's POV, I'd say. ;) You're making me feel bad for not concerning the mass market too much; but hell, I do haha... enough of it at work (with much frustration!) so I'd like to keep my personal stuff on the experimental, non-catering-to-the-majority side. :) Although over ten years of jostling through the doujin world has made me realize that my original art style is very unapppealing to the masses anyway...XD

I only sell my stuff off the table sorry. It's more engaging to have people who 'happened to find them' at cons buy them. ;) And... you know, there's the license thing? It's all just parodying and for fun but still? Crossing borders is... ahem. LOL ( ... )


makowe_pola July 6 2011, 09:15:52 UTC
I was talking about the situation when I go picking up books with no recommendation. Truthfully, most back cover blurbs look the same in the long rung and it's as hard to judge a book by the cover as by the blurb lol ( ... )


squarededdie July 7 2011, 07:07:09 UTC
Exactly, I was referring to blind bookstore shopping. Recs are usually a reliable source for selecting books which also allow one to avoid the influence of elements such as cover art. Not sure if I can concur on your opinion of summaries though. When selecting a book randomly, yes, the overall look of the book is one element to base your decision, but as I've aforementioned, this can often be deceiving. A design of a book can look the same as well, and depending on what the current trend is in artistic styles, you just have to base your choice on something else. Don't make me start talking about Shojo comics, XD. They all look the same to me... Also, there's always the factor of what makes each of us tick; which is also what's making this an interesting conversation ( ... )


makowe_pola July 7 2011, 12:21:35 UTC
LoL I wouldn't really go for shojo in the first place. They are scary XD

When you look at it- everything can be deceiving in the end- even your friend's recommendation, since tastes are always slightly different ;)

I've seen plenty- both original and fanbooks. From basically all around the world, but they do it most often individually, not via companies. But yes, there are Japanese companies reselling like here, they orginised Comic Live in Paris and there was a contest for a doujin to be translated to jap and sold on markets in Japan or you have the list here. There are few others, can't find them now :/ I think they are both- Japanese companies (but maybe that's too big word) and outsiders reselling books. I think there's a really big market for those comics, since they are so hard to obtain. I'd love myself to have some of my fav authors ( ... )


squarededdie July 8 2011, 02:03:34 UTC
Hahaha, yeah Shojo isn't my cup of tea either, though there are a few gems. Have you heard of Fushigi Yuugi? I'd recommend that to everyone, especially the anime series which was definitely superior to the manga ( ... )


makowe_pola July 8 2011, 12:15:33 UTC
I know FU, it was, after Sailormoon, second published shojo in here. It was cool for the first arc, I didn't like the second. And anime was much much better, but then i saw it when I was 14 and when I've tried to re-watch or reread it recently... just no. It's much better in my memories XD ( ... )


squarededdie July 11 2011, 01:46:48 UTC
Oh no, really? It's been years since I last watched it too, maybe it'll be pretty different watching it now for me as well. Actually I've been re-watching a few oldies recently and they're mostly better than I initially watched them all those years ago so never know what 'll happen with Fushigi Yuugi, hehehe ( ... )


makowe_pola July 11 2011, 20:58:34 UTC
My guess is that while now I could enjoy few jokes and references I missed then, but the general charm of this kind of stories is gone for me now. Though Ranma 1/2 is perfect as always, for example :D Or Sailor Moon Stars. I don't even have to get stoned or drunk for this one and I had a marathon with a friend when we had very hard exam session one semester few years back and watched SM during the all-nighters (most of our exams were showing off portfolio, so watching smth didn't bother our, learning process lol ( ... )


squarededdie July 12 2011, 09:35:07 UTC
As in the harem stuff? Ranma yes, and I still love Tenchi Muyo. Well, the first OVAs and TV shows, and the 'In Love' films. Looking back at these and comparing them to the similar stuff nowadays, I feel it's more of the evolvement animation has taken in need to mirror the ever changing demographic of the target audience. As I continue to age, I find myself prone to take a liking to the shows that critics praise to be traditional, 'old school' type stories more and more...>_> Gahhhh I'm getting old. XD ( ... )


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