Snow Days

Dec 17, 2010 07:33

I keep it vanilla on Facebook... but there are some things about work..
The English teacher on my team just got assigned to be a library aid instead of a teacher. I guess 12 kids transferred out of his class and several bizzarre incidents just didnt go well with the administration. That helps the kids know that the world isnt a stable place... SOOOOOOOOO good for 12 year olds. (dont let the sarcasm drip on you.
Speaking of 12 year olds, one of my little ones from last year got caught behind the temps (in full view of the major road, but hidden from the school) "skipping class" with a little boy. Last year a little girl was doing the same thing and called it "just kissing a boy". I wonder if I am behind the times? When I was skipping or kissing in school at 12, it didnt involve having the girl work on her gag reflex and my pants (as a boy) never had to be around my ankles. My my times change.
I had a girl yesterday who was overly clingy. I do give hugs (the three pat kind, only if they come to give me a hug first.. Im not gonna try to be fired as a pervert) but she was glued to my hip. I asked around and found some 8th graders wanted to jump her. Big ugly ones too. They came to my class at the end of the day to fight her. Good thing I'm bigger and uglier. Anyway, I called the administrator and was almost yelled at for trying to prevent a problem. The AVP finally called for the girl and took ownership, but I guess they expect me to do every job in the building. (I already clean my room to keep the janitor happy).
Anyway, its Christmas time and the kids are wagging like a puppy. Even the Muslim kid who wants to wear his skullcap (me to dad on phone:I know that Xa told me yoru family converted to Islam, and I have tried to include more of that in lessons on Culture, but he has to either wear the hat all the time or not at all. Dad:Muslims? We're Catholics! What hat?) Oh right. Found out it is a gang thing. Now I'm teaching young Xa the 5 pillars of sit down and do your work.
How is yoru work progressing? Hope you have a happy holiday!
Love you all.
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