Dec 03, 2015 12:13
the last time i was in a tour was more than a decade ago. i was young and, on most trips going to different sites, i would put on my headphones and waited until the bus rocked me to sleep or when it stopped for us to get off. i figured that traveling was very normal and easy until a few years back when realized the difficulties of traveling. even then, i found myself shying away from group tours beecause:
a. i am socially inept
b. i felt constricted with the schedule given in a tour
in any case, i decided to leave my ipod at home and listen to the tour guides. thankfully, on both countries, it did not disappoint.
there are times that i wish i took less pictures during the tour, and times i wish i took more. same goes with souvenirs, or shopping for myself. being better in retaining information regarding history. being less shy. being more confident. being more upfront. more out there.
the worst thing about traveling is the feeling of stasis when coming back home. sometimes, the illusion of being infatuated with something/someone masks loneliness or heightens the things that are not readily available for us in life (unlike what you see in travel).
this is why, even though i refuse to be part of my family business, i am tempted to step into it just so i can have a chance to get away from everything else.
from the time i revealed my encounter in tokyo with friends up until now, there was a noticable distancing. from lessened chats to rudeness to finally indirect conversation without eye contact. i do not know what to make of it. initially, i thought it to be insulting, but i suppose it's alright too in its own way. but this gives me more reason why i want to leave this place. currently, i realized that i don't want a boy, or just some guy, or dude. i want a classy gentleman who doesn't try hard to be one and who knows what he wants. and it's such a problem that there's a lack of it here.