Mar 06, 2006 19:58
Omigod, it's March!Armando. You know what is really weird? Things are going very well for me right now. I'm on top of my homework, I feel good, I'm writing up a storm (I've fallen in love with the Buffyverse and Hannah again! *snuggles Hannah* She's my mind child! Well, not really mine, since I didn't create her universe, but...shut up. I told you to shut up! Here endeth the longest bracket ever) and I'm listening to inspired music from Digital Devil Saga/Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne! Oh, I love this music--it's sets such a mood, and it's so catchy, and...agh! I'm very content right now!
I'm even humming along! Like I don't do that anyways, but it's happy humming!
Oh gosh. I've got a nice, calm week ahead of me, full of writing, and normal homework, and only one project to do. *sigh* these are the days I dream about. And I've just figured out something. I wanna write. I really, really do. Hee.
And that's pretty much it for now....except for the new feature that I will put in here from now on:
Your Postly 'Hannah" Update: I'm almost finished Chapter Four, and plan to end it on another cliffhanger, as I am apt to do x.x I was unsure of advancing the plot so qickly at first, but I have a backup plan for what I'm doing, so it all worked out. Also, I found a way to lay the thoughts about why Hannah was Called so late after Buffy's death to rest (You know, that gaping, huge plothole where if Buffy died in May, why is Hannah being Called in the middle of September?), but I'm not gonna tell you, 'cause that'd be spoileriffic and unfun. What I can/will tell you about Chapter Four is that there is going to be some character development for Louise, the introduction of a really hot jock, since every story about a teenaged girl needs one, and much angst and confusion for Hannah. I wanna say more, but I don't wanna spoil it for you, if you're planning on reading it.