Dec 06, 2006 15:44
UHHH *zombie*
I haven't slept all night. Luckily I got myself some Rockstar to keep me alive through the night. I imagine I'll be drinking another one later today so I can work on my final project for my Excel class. I have a super freaky final to go to in one hour, and I'm still not ready for it, even though I was studying/preparing for it all night. I got home from work at around 12:20, then I kind of sat in my unbelievably uncomfortable chair staring at my computer screen for a little while, and then I started to actually work on my schoolwork. I haven't really stopped working on this stuff until now. First I was looking at my notecards, then I was working on my journal (I have to turn in all of my notes from the whole quarter, and I was slacking and didn't do some of the assignments, so I had to do them last night... heh), aaand I was working on my research paper that is also due today. UHHHHH I'm gonna bomb this exam... ;__;
I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow 8D