metal hair and jeff games

Aug 01, 2005 04:54

According to my mother’s friend my “purple hair and tongue ring are all [my mother’s] fault” because she got a divorce.

According to my mother, my “pink hair and gross piercings” are caused by me “letting other people influence [me] too much” because these are not things her little girl would ever want or think of doing with out someone else telling her too.

I think it is funny that my mother tells me these things like I care or more importantly like they are true and will influence my actions. Well I suppose if she does think I did it because other people told me to, it make sense that her telling me not to should hold some weight, but she should know better. I have always done what I wanted regardless of what anyone else has had to say about the matter at hand.

I did get to play 2 versions of Catan today, and they were fun. My brother, sister, her boyfriend and I played until about 2am…too bad they went to bed right after that and I am still up

I got to see my mother off to work this morning though. She works at 4:30 so I helped her make her lunch and find her shoes before she left.

I am coming back tomorrow (today, Monday) after all. Don’t get to see Jeff this visit, next time, and maybe I can even convince him to come out and visit me. It is too bad we didn’t end up going to college together after all….
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