Aug 19, 2004 11:58
Ok, I am officially annoyed with this election. Correction, not the election...JOHN KERRY. What a fucking douche. I'm so chapped right now I could scream. What a hipocrite. The entire campaign is a whole mess of hipocricy! Ok, so I'm sure by now you guys have heard about the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth..well, just in case you haven't heard about that: It's a group of Vietnam veterans that are basically saying that John Kerry exaggerated his "heorism" in Vietnam. They say he lied to get his silver star and purple hearts or whatever.. Ok, now maybe these guys are lying, maybe they're telling the's not the point..these men are funded by a very wealthy Republican from Texas. NOW, to counter what these men have said John Kerry is saying that this is somehow Bush is behind it. He says bush is getting independetly funded groups to "do his dirty work". Ok, let's recap for a second here, ladies and gentleman...maybe you've heard of a little group called This is a website encouraging people to vote for change...if you go to the website you can see that it is CLEARLY trying to help Bush lose the's a partisan orginization funded in part by none other than....drum roll please...Theresa Heinz KERRY. That's right folks, HIS WIFE. It has been proven that the Bush camp has NOTHING to do with the Swift boat veterans. The fact that they are funded by a wealthy Republican does not mean Bush is behind it. I mean, do you think a democrat is going to fund them? OF course not!! They want Bush to lose. Now Kerry is attacking Bush saying that it's wrong that Bush doesn't denounce what the swiftboat veterans are saying...WELL, let me fill you in with another little blast from the recent past...MICHAEL MOORE. Need I go on??? He made a little documentary called Farenheit 911...REMEMBER? WEll, with the release of the 911 commission that documentary has been proven FALSE. Michael Moore LIED. He manipulated the things he filmed..edited them just right to make it look like it supported all the liberal conspiracy theories he had. Well, folks, it was a lie...ANYHOW, Kerry complains about Bush not denouncing the swiftboat veterans..1st of all, why should he? It helps his campaign..2nd of all Mr. John Douchbag Kerry, YOU have not denounced Michael Moore and his bull shit. WHY SHOULD BUSH DENOUNCE THE VETERANS FOR TRUTH?! kerry is a hipocrite. a big fat hipocrite. I absolutely loathe him. He is trying to win this election with lies. He lies all the time. America, why don't you see that?!?! WAKE UP. Has this country gone blind?! ANd you know what...the whole reason for liberals hating Bush is the war in Iraq...correct? Well, now EVEN KERRY is saying that he would've done the same damn thing. That he would've gone into Iraq EVEN IF HE HAD KNOWN THERE WEREN'T WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION. "weren't" being the key word in that statment. So there you go.
Another little John Kerry F.Y.I. Hahahaha. this one is just plain funny. It had me in histerics all morning. His attendace records for intelligence hearings...republicans are saying he was absent for 76% of Intel hearings. Now to counter that..the democrats are saying that this is false..that intelligence is one of Kerry's top priorities AND that he in fact attended all the hearings and not only, he was VICE-CHAIRMAN of the whatever you call it. Ok, turns out..this is not just politics, ladies and gents...this isn't just manipulated's a flat out lie and he's been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. He wasn't vice-chairman. A man named BOB KERREY was the vice-chairman. Ok, like for real people...did you think you wouldn't get caught in that one? Please. If you're gonna make a case for least make it slightly credible.
I had to get that out of my system.