Australians have had a strong input into the SHRIMP, evidence as follows:
Part of the SHRIMP is called a Duo-Plasmatron.
The start up tones for the software is the theme from James Bond.
The start up screen has a shrimp crawling along it (i wouldn't be surprised if it shoots out the opening pane)
Higher user functions are accessed through a password input which has a comic of Dogbert hitting a computer saying "Out, Out demons of stupidity"
and finally;
Once you can access the higher functions there's a small red warning text that reads:
WARNING: There is no limit to what you can break.
I love engineers,
And even though
cp_dept suggested a perfectly rational hypothesis for why the stop lights at the entrance to the freeway take longer to cycle if an idiot crosses the line and parks on the other side, i still prefer the idea that some engineer is punishing stupidity.