Mark my words

May 14, 2010 12:28

Sooooo the semester is over and its looking up.  I found out that I passed genetics which is the, by far, hardest course I have EVER taken.  I nearly cried when I found out.  SO the way its looking I should be able to pull off all As, Bs and 1 C (genetics)... I mean its not the greatest but I'm super proud of myself.  So I'm set for the fall semester, behavioral genetics, cell structure, calc 2, physics and neuroscience.
On another note, I've decided this is the summer I figure stuff out... I know, its pretty late....but better late than never.  I have a few ideas, a big one hit me yesterday but its too early for me to rly say anything.  I wanna do some research first. 
Anywho, now I plan on relaxing and preparing myself for fall.  Well thats all for now.
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