SQodcast Episode #6 - CAPSLOCK ON!
**WARNING! This episode contains movie spoilers for OotP. Don't listen if you don't want to be spoiled. Because it's not like you read the book, right?**
This episode was sponsored by Jillian and Stereo_M! You guys ROX!
- Intro: Thanks to our sponsors
- Fanfic Recs
- Movie Discussion: Order of the Phoenix
The Movie Watching Experience
Clues in the movie for Book 7?
Differences: Good or Bad?
- Snape Threat Level - the last before we KNOW!
- Canonbusters
-The End
This week's featured music is by Talons & Tea Leaves.
Harry Potter (The Boy That Lived)
Check out more from these WROCKING (WROXING) Wizard Rockers (ROXERS!) at their
myspace page - give them some love and listen to their songs, then go visit their solo pages:
Catchlove (Christian)
Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls Moey and Zsenya would like to thank all our listeners and all the members of the SQ - Old Skewl and new. You all ROX! Everyone enjoy your book reading experience, stay roxin' and spoiler free. We'll see you on the flip side!
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The Sugar Quill.