Friends Only (or maybe not)

Jan 01, 2016 20:00

This is friends-only now... but anyway.. Friends are always WELCOME :)

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friends only

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_touched February 15 2007, 21:29:21 UTC
So, Tanny - ya know her, she's been on this mission to introduce me to all of her little CSI!buddies, and you're one of 'em. Besides, I've seen you around the message board and you're pretty cool. Plus, you like BSG and Farcape too. :)

So, I was hoping that it would be okay if I friended you? :)


sql_girl February 15 2007, 23:46:59 UTC
oh.. id never dare to interfere in one of Tannys missions LOL...

of course you can friend me... ill friend you right now :)


_touched February 16 2007, 03:34:16 UTC
rotfl, that's the thing that I've learned lately, too. lol. once she's on a mission to unite the geek!lovers of the world, you'd better just fall in or get stomped out, either one. heh. ;)

but yeah, thanks for friending me. I asked you, before I friended you only because I didn't know whether or not you would want too. and I know that some people want others to ask, before friending. so I'm friending nowish. :)


sql_girl February 16 2007, 03:43:20 UTC
yeah, i understand.. i always ask before friending someone too.. just in case :P


_touched February 16 2007, 04:00:56 UTC
I definitely agree with that logic. I like to ask and give them the option after they check my user info and all that good stuff, to look for things in common. :)


sql_girl February 16 2007, 20:48:23 UTC

btw, that is such a cute icon :)


_touched February 16 2007, 21:05:03 UTC
Aw, thanks a lot. An old friend made it for me, originally. Since, I shipped Joey&Rachel in Friends. They were my favorite characters and that scene was one absolutely the sweetest.


sql_girl February 19 2007, 03:22:53 UTC
Joey&Rachel were really cute together... but my favorites were always Monica&Chandler... i love them :)


_touched February 19 2007, 17:27:53 UTC
Monica and Chandler were cute together. I loved them too, but I FLOVED Joey and Rachel. Either together or apart, they were just my favorite characters. rotfl. ;)


zequins February 16 2007, 21:50:53 UTC
oh.. id never dare to interfere in one of Tannys missions LOL...

:O... I'm not even gonna say anything... I'm gonna leave again right now.


sql_girl February 16 2007, 22:10:06 UTC
oh.. you couldnt help yourself, huh?? lol


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