Feb 03, 2008 18:32
Kinda sucks when the person you thought were going to be sharing an apartment with for next year bales out. And you don't have anybody else. These are the days when I miss having my close friends. Morgan just kind of faded away. Im startin to really just give up on me and suzy seeing each other. I keep asking, and now I just look pathetic. So i told myself the last time was the last time to ask her to come see me. I sit and wonder what it would take for her to actually come back. Funny how I now lean on christina a lot. I miss the plans that me and her had for college. go to college. Kick ass. share a place. Just have some amazing years of our life. I just need to get out and meet new people. I know I've been saying that for a long time, but I guess I've been forced more into it now. idk... there went my mood.... hopefully not for the night....