Sweet like a kiss sharp like a razor blade

Jun 18, 2005 13:13

Summer?... already? it doesnt seem like it at all its way too cold! its a bunch of bologna

I'm excited, i feel like i have a lot to look forward to, SENIORS!! whoo hoo! finally I'm so shocked by how fast it came up i remeber being little and playing with my barbies dreaming of the day i'd be a senior in HIGHSCHOOL and if i knew anyone who was in highschool they were the coolest person on the planet. It's going by too fast i want to put my life in slow motion, so i can soak up every single moment.

Lately everyone has gotten the "pick me up," that they needed has Kayleigh has Jayson the best boy for her! hes such a sweet kid (just like Alex) it's odd how close they really are personality wise. Jill and Christopher have worked out whatever was goin on with them... i dont even think there is a word for it. I'm glad

We're going up north July- 1-6 with the Family Kay is going too , My dad is so unbelievably happy, he loves her like his own daughter! I'm glad cause we've been talking about going up there since 7th grade. its finally going to happen! Wild and crazy times in MILLERSBURG!

Alex... Oh Alex.... everything is completely wonderful he's the best,  He makes me so happy, all the time its great i have no worries when im with him he makes them all go away. Gotta love it. and theres more to come! thats a good thought... MORE ALEX! 
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