
Psychology Senior Thesis

Dec 01, 2005 16:23

here's the story.

i started out this semester wanting to do a Psych 494 - independent study with prof. wickens. recall that everything was pushed aside until the final few weeks into this semester. now the experiment is finally running, and i need to churn out 18 subject data, analyze the data, compile a report, proofread, and submit it to the psych department by this coming monday before noon.

it's basically impossible. the grad students around me says it's not gonna happen. my grad student advisor says it's good enough that i get to publish a journal article under my name, and the prof is already quite disappointed that the project is underperforming. it's gonna take a legend to make this near-impossible task happen.

and i want to walk away a legend.

sure, i'm in pain right now. i'm trying to rush all my other homework so that i have breathing space this weekend in an attempt to churn out that report for departmental distinction. the lack of sleep is hitting me, and next week aint any easier with pre-final-week exams.

yet it's at times like this where you can catch SQ shine. i want that departmental distinction on my CV. can you imagine how grand it'd look to have that on the CV? i can.

i can also imagine walking away a legend.

back off, i'll take you on. head strong, i'll take on anyone
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