The Post Comic Con Post

Jul 27, 2009 15:35

Had a great time down at Comic Con this year. So much fun, not sure I could ever go back.

Some highlights:

The Middleman Panel
Absolutely fantastic. The closest I will ever come in my life to being a rock star. Ballroom 6A was packed to the gills and it was mind-blowing to be able to be up on stage with the cast and most of the writers reading the unfilmed 13th episode. Our cast is awesome; our staff is awesome; Shout! Factory is awesome; and Middle-fans are teh awesome.

Tormenting Hans
Took evil delight in walking with Hans Beimler through the main floor of the convention yelling, "Hey everyone! This is Hans Beimler, writer for Star Trek: The Next Generation!" and watching him cringe.

Discovering that Amy Berg knows everyone
Not just at the Con. On the planet. And she introduced me.

The TV writers panel
Good people with good things to say about writing for television, and how being a good person is not incompatible with being a good showrunner, rumors to the contrary notwithstanding. Only one awkward question, which struck a topic so near and dear to my heart that I might even blog about it later.

The Girl in the Sexy Dalek Costume
Seriously. There were more elaborate cosplays, but that was the cleverest I saw all weekend.
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