I guess all my hardware has decided to turn against me this week.
We did not return our non-functioning graphics card just to have you send us a brand-new STILL non-functioning graphics card. (The fan isn't working properly ((AT ALL)), I don't know why, seeing as it is brand-fucking-new and yes, the drivers were installed properly.) Anyways, screw you guys, I'm goin back to ATI. >[
(p.s. it is hot and i am sick with a sore throat, runny nose, irritated sinuses, and a headache. It is past 9 pm and the temperature outside is probably still around 70 degrees, Fahrenheit of course. and tomorrow we have to start packing because we need to be at the new apartment by thursday and i still i have a shitload of homework to do and i don't feel like capitalizing.)
....Sorry for the rant-y post. I know nobody wants to hear this! >_____>
Here is my thanks for reading/listening to my shit.