sim_scenes; winter - joy - environment

Apr 01, 2010 20:47

Oh my goodness! I finally got to do a sim_scenes challenge! This took a long time to make, namely because I have a knack for wanting to provide TOO MUCH detail, and had to edit a bunch of pictures. It was...difficult, to say the least. I still hope you’ll enjoy though, even though it may be a bit confusing. I did stay within the 10-picture limit, though I cheated a little bit. >___>;;

A little explanation: Basically, Nerdboy & Artsy-Fartsy-Hippie-Ish-Girl are roommates, and polar opposites. They find it impossible to get along in their hostile ENVIRONMENT, so they spend most of their time avoiding each other doing activities they both enjoy. A-F-H-I girl isn’t really one to watch the weather channel or the news, so she doesn’t know that WINTER is coming soon, and spends all day planting. Well, time passes fast in Simerica, so the next day, she wakes up to a blanket of snow on her poor tomato plants. She’s mopey all day long, which really annoys Nerdboy. So he gets her out of her funk by building a weather machine overnight, and the A-F-H-I girl wakes up to find out that Winter is over! She experiences great JOY. ;D
And there you have it!

They’re still not friends, but that could change. Or not.

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