Mar 02, 2011 20:18
I need a sheep icon. Stolen from, like everyone.
Ask me a question about a canon character I write in a fandom I write about or babble about, and I will give you three tasty tibbits about them from my head canon.
(Whomever asks for Ursa or Hakoda can get two slots besides them.)
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She has a fascination for Minister Long Feng; she wants to know what makes him tick and what makes him run. He gave up far too easily and she would have enjoyed making sure he’s utterly broken, but the situation with the Avatar and manipulating her brother drew her away from Ba Sing Se and the Earth Kingdom.
Despite her dismissive taunts and mocking; Azula was very unsettled by her uncle. A man once so great has fallen fast and hard that it’s disturbing. While she didn’t believe that Iroh could pick himself up again, she always wondered what would happen if Uncle did manage to find his old spark? She knows that Iroh is fond of Zuko but not of her; so if Iroh tried to regain his throne, what would he do to her? Iroh had once been ruthless. This became less of an issue when she struck him in a sneak attack and later brought him back to Fire Nation to be imprisoned.
As long as this is strictly platonic, I'm aboard. We've already spoken about the letdown that was Long Feng's failure to engage Azula for the right to the Earth King's throne. She could read him with ease after spending a remarkably short time with him, so there had to be a degree of fascination there. If you aren't fascinated by something, you aren't as likely to put much effort into learning about it, and she read him like a book.
This makes me sad that there was so little in the way of Azula + Iroh dynamics in the show. We know so precious little of what they really think of each other. It would've been such wonderful character development for both of them. She would've fought tooth and nail to assert herself had her uncle become Fire Lord. Relegating her to some lower tier would place Iroh in a very dangerous position; he'd have to know she'd resent it and act. Both of them are chessmasters in their own way, Iroh with Pai Sho and Azula with military strategy, so it would probably evolve into a battle of wits and precarious politicking.
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