On LOp, Life and Cons...

Jun 26, 2011 21:53

Sudden urge to Livejournal... What can i do?

Today was the first day of Mikado rehearsals, or i suppose re-rehearsals. We're retuning and relearning the show in order to take it up to the Buxton international Gilbert and Sullivan festival, where we've been invited to perform at the royal arts pavillion, adjoining to the opera house. It is exciting, and i'm super-psyched about the whole thing, and we only have 6 weeks or so to get the show better than its ever been.

So its out of the principles cast and back into the chorus for me, which i must say is quite nice. Although something rather devastating has happened. Due to the fact that we've lost certain original society members and gained some other specially for the festival, we found ourselves with a terrible imbalance of sopranos and altos. Which is to say that while we probably have almost twice as many altos, none of them really have the vocal strength and volume to rival most of the sopranos. Anyway, so as a fairly loud singer with a good range, i've been moved from soprano to alto in order to bolster them a little. It's not really a problem, except that now i've gone from knowing my parts perfectly to almost having to start from square one again, made more difficult by the fact that not only will i be naturally pulled to sing the tune, but also that i naturally know my old parts far better than my new ones. Still, it's a challenge and the other altos are so far being very acommodating. (They're nicer than the sops, actually, and our musical director Kizzy has a distinct disliking for sopranos, so i guess its strange to suddenly find yourself among the favourites.)

I forgot how much i truly love the music in this show. It's gorgeous, and even after all these months it is STILL funny. True genius.

What else?

Well i'm moving into a house at the end of this week, though i've not even started the long and arduous process of moving out of this flat and making sure everything is spick and span. I guess i'll have to get cracking on that one soonish.

I think i've been pretty good recently. I'm reasonably upbeat for various reasons, including the rekindling of a friendship which has led to some wonderful long conversations and nice rambling afternoons (my favourite kind of afternoon, by the by.).

I'm really considering attenidng Ayacon this year. I've registered though i've not yet paid. I haven't checked it within the last week ut i assume my registrations is still valid. I really need to make some concrete arrangements before i spent £40 on a badge, but it is something i really would like to do (although budgetary constraints may lead to me begging floorspace off somebody for the nights), not to mention that this means i really need to get my act together cosplay-wise. I have some winderful ideas, i just need the time and the money and the motivation to get them done.
(I'm thinking Kio from Loveless, Pandy from Dead Leaves and/or Maria from Paranoia Agent right now. But i don't know, these might change.)

I guess that brings this update to a close. Nothing particularly insightful above, but ah well.

conventions, lopsoc, light opera, life

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