me: post-Alias

May 25, 2005 23:35

unsteady. shaken. antsy. sad. happy. pumped. gone...

dude. this was some season finale, i'll tell you that! lol some parts were kinda wrapped up quickly and it wasn't resolved or dealt w/ in such a huge manner as it was made out to be. like, the prophecy that only one of Irina's daughters will survive? we needed a bigger fight! think Sydney vs Evil Francie! that fight lasted for like 5min, i swear! or even Sydney vs Lauren--that was longer it seems. or maybe b/c they broke up the fight b/w Sydney vs Nadia. anyways, it was still REALLY good. i wanted to see more Irina vs Elena tho, that's for freakin' sure! we needed to see Irina alone w/ Elena... we only saw a glimpse of their sisterly relations! and it was great! this was the first time ever that two Derevko Sisters shared the same screen! and boy, did each hold their own! Sonia Braga... Lena Olin... wow. what great casting. who cares if they don't look like the same ethnicity! whatever to that! it was like... stellar. really. Wow.

anyways, another thing was (beside the whole "The Chosen One" (Sydney) vs "The Passenger" (Nadia) and "only one will survive!" being solved with a single shot from Sloane to subdue Nadia--oh, Irina should've been like "I'll work on an antidote and send it to you! it'll be a sign from me!" yeaaah, now THAT would've been spectacular!) (and beside the fact that Irina and Elena should've had some private sister time for us audience...) was the fact that they got away from the big red ball so easily. there were lotsa times where i was like "oh no, not again!" lol b/c i love how they brought back elements from past seasons! i thought we were gonna hafto run away from the big water flood again like Syd and Vaughn did in the season one finale! we needed something more! it seemed a bit easy, for me. and Irina should've said something about Nadia before she left. *sniffs* which we all knew she was gonna! no way she was going back to the States and serve life in prison. like poor Katya... what happened to her anyways? she gave Jack info, then what? i dunno... lol i don't remember. i didn't move from my seat after Alias ended. i was too much in shock. lol

speaking of which, okay, so Syd and Vaughn were driving to Santa Barbara, talking about eloping... and Vaugnn starts saying he isn't who he says he isn't, his name isn't Michael Vaughn, it wasn't a coincidence that he was the one Syd first met when she walked in to report about SD-6 (good times, btw)... and how Irina knew about Vaughn, WHO KNOWS. she's Irina Derevko! i wouldn't put anything past that woman! so they're in the car, Syd looks cute, her hair's curled, she's playing w/ Vaughn's hair... and just as Vaughn says "and my name isn't Michael Vaughn..."--we get a quick reaction from Syd before ANOTHER CAR SMASHES INTO THEIRS AND IT GOES TO BLACK!!! holy smokers, i SO did NOT see that coming!!! and it sounded like such a harsh crash, too! i was just like "omigod... omigod..." and was just using my hand to flip channels (b/c it was news afterwards) and didn't move my body. it was so freaky! aaahhh what's gonna happen?? what a finale tho! it was sorta blah and mellow after they saved the world and it was so sad but also a bit liberating to see Irina walk away (such a sweet kiss to Jack, they're growing on me!) and Syd and Vaughn's nice convo in the car... i was surprised that nothing happened--but think twice. this is J.J. Abrams we're talkin' here! of course it won't end w/o something BIG happening!

phew! that enough for ya? 'cause i feel exhausted! i can't sleep tho! lol

thoughts, anyone?

oh, wait, one more thing. now that Nadia'll survive it looks like we have her back next season! yeay!!! i hope she stays, i love her! she and Irina need to text each other since Irina's out and about... she's so coming back, we all know it. this time, more Irina/Nadia bonding! and maybe Irina/Katya scenes, too! but more Irina/Nadia, for sure! and Irina/Sydney/Nadia! SpyMama and SpyBabies! oh, and about Irina not being able to attend Syd/Vaughn's wedding? BULL! they'll elope and she'll be able to make an appearance. i just know it. until the return of Irina Derevko to Alias... goooooo SpySisters!
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