Nov 22, 2004 15:57
hi every1.
I didnt go to school today. I wasnt feeling good. well anyways im goign tommorow. Wed. is a half day thank u god. We got a long weekend. Anyways me and Steven r talking . Funny stuff. I didnt no he died his hair. check out our oddly funny convo.
BENDER1328: y did mis labott make you sit all the way in the back or the room
BENDER1328: is she raciest
xxDarkApocalypse: yes
xxDarkApocalypse: is cuz im black
BENDER1328: hell yea
xxDarkApocalypse: lol racist ppl i swear
BENDER1328: its like you painted your skin
BENDER1328: that dark
xxDarkApocalypse: i got a dark tan
BENDER1328: yea
xxDarkApocalypse: she thinks im black now....jesus
xxDarkApocalypse: god ppl so rasist these days
BENDER1328: i know man
xxDarkApocalypse: surprised ur not made fun of or in the back..ur blacker than me...mayB its cuz u hav red hair too......
BENDER1328: no
BENDER1328: no more red hair
BENDER1328: just black now
BENDER1328: dam how long have you been out
xxDarkApocalypse: 1 day 2 weekends
BENDER1328: 2 days i was absent on friday
BENDER1328: and 2 weekand
xxDarkApocalypse: o0 my bad