talk talk

Mar 17, 2009 21:11

I've been thinking about the people I talk to, and how often, and about what. And the people I don't talk to, and why, and whether that's OK.

I have a robust, fault-tolerant distributed network. On any given day or for any given issue, I have multiple nodes as my disposal. I can call Matthew, IM with Craig, send a Facebook message to Joli, text Tim, walk downtown for drinks with Joe and Luke, comment on Virginia's blog, sit on the couch with my roommate, pester Steve at the office, send email to John, have coffee with Laura or a glass of wine with Allison. Failover strategies!

Beyond basic affinity, we control the things that strengthen or weaken our connections -- how much and how often and how deeply we share thoughts, our experiences, ourselves. We try to find the optimal mix ... or things find their own level and evolve.

I wonder sometimes how well I know the people I know, and how well they know me, when days or weeks or months go by with limited contact or just drifting along the surface. I wonder how to connect more fully with some people, and whether others are worth the effort.


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