rarewomen Author,
Hello, new favorite person! Thank you for offering to write for one of my fandoms! I'm so excited to receive a story about any of the women in the fandoms I've requested and I can't wait to read whatever you write :)
In terms of what I like to read, I've included some general likes and dislikes to give you a better idea of the kind of stories I tend to seek out.
Likes: character-driven stories, friendship (especially female friendship), romance (I tend to prefer het/canon pairings, as specified below), backstory and missing scene stories. I love well-done angst, but I tend to prefer happier/more hopeful endings. I do like AUs and crossovers, but except for the one AU I specified in my requests below, I'd prefer not receiving AU or crossover for this particular exchange.
Dislikes: misogyny, noncon or dubcon, major character death (you can use anything that’s already canon of course), character bashing, excessive embarrassment.
Request #1: Betsy Tacy Series by Maud Hart Lovelace
I’ve said this before, but I adore absolutely everything -- everything -- about these books, except that there aren’t more of them. If you want to pick one of the girls and explore something about her in more detail (her life, her family, her relationships, and her academic or professional pursuits*) then that would be great, but if you’d rather write about the girls together, that would be equally great. The friendship between the girls was always at the center of the series, and that’s one of the things I love most about it. I don’t have anything specific that I’m asking for her, other than something more in this world, so choose what you want to write and I can guarantee I will love it!
(If for whatever reason you felt like writing a modern day AU, that would also be really fun. Do not feel obligated but my brain has latched onto the idea of these wonderful girls in a more modern setting.)
In terms of ships for this series, Betsy/Joe are my everything and I love Carney/Sam just about as much. We don’t get to see much of Tacy/Harry, Winona/Dennie, or Tib/Jack, but I enjoy those a lot too! And I enjoy the idea of Tacy/Tom as well, so if you wanted to explore them in an AU, I would welcome it.
Request #2: Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter
Abby Cameron, Macey McHenry
I finally read these books after being introduced to Abby Cameron and Macey McHenry in Double Crossed, which I read because I love Ally Carter’s other series. I love the idea of a series set in a school for young female spies! What I really wish is that we got more from the books than just Cammie’s POV. I want to know more about the other girls in the school and the adult spies who are teaching them. I am especially interested in Abby Cameron and Macey McHenry, either in a story that puts them together in a mentor/mentee relationship or as individuals. For the series, I ship Abby/Townsend like burning and I’m pretty into the idea of Preston/Macey. (I also ship Rachel/Joe Solomon and Cammie/Zach, if that comes up for any reason.) If you want to write a completely ship-free story, that’s also fine with me because there is so much more I want to know about all of the women in this series, but I would prefer my story not contradict my ships.
I’m listing ideas for both characters separately, but if you wanted to write a story that focused on the two characters together in a mentor/mentee relationship, I would love to explore some of the following things in a story that focused on both of them.
For Abby, I really want to know more about her past as a spy. What drives her and what led to her coming back to Gallagher Academy to protect Macey and eventually what motivated her to stay? Does she miss her life in the field now that she’s staying on to teach CoveOps? What about Buenos Aires? What was the full story there? I’d love more on her relationship with her sister and her niece or her relationship with her students, as well as obviously her relationship with Edward Townsend. I love, love, love the way they banter with each other and pick at each other, but when she had to talk to Rachel about Matthew, he offered to go with her. They have a fascinating dynamic and I would love to see that explored, even just on a platonic level. (Or more more if you wanted to blur the lines into something more, I would obviously not object to that either. See above where I fully support makeouts.)
For Macey, I’m interested in more of her relationships with her roommates and how that’s grown and changed over the time since she started school. I’d be interested in reading about her experiences as she had to so many other schools in the past and then finally got to Gallagher Academy and was so far behind her classmates that she had to start in with the seventh graders and work her way up to her own grade level. Or in her experiences and feelings when her father was on the campaign trail. I’d love anything you wanted to write about her going to Rome for Preston after Out of Sight, Out of Time, or anything you wanted to write about Macey wants out of her future. I fell in love with her character when I read Double Crossed, and I would just really love to read anything more from her POV.
Request #3: Hart of Dixie
I am leaving this request open. I love this show about this charming small town and all of the women in it, so when I said any I really did mean any.
What I would love more than anything is friendship/gen fic between some of the women in Bluebelle. Canon friendships like Annabeth and Lemon or Zoe and Rose would be great, or you could force two unlikely friends together in some kind of town shenanigans scenario and have them begrudgingly learn that the other woman isn’t all that bad after all. Maybe they are forced to team up on a town event committee or they have to steal an ice cream truck to save field day or they manage to find themselves locked in a barn together. The wackier the better, really.
If that’s not something that interests you, I would be interested in a gen story about any one of these women. I don’t have many specific ideas, but a few are: Zoe’s relationship with the town and how she has developed personally and professionally since she’s been a GP, what Rose wants as she grows up (does she decide to look for something more than her town? if so, does she learn to appreciate where she’s from?), anything that gives Magnolia’s character a little more depth (I’ve started to see some growth, but she’s probably been one of the characters who has had the least amount of development), Lemon and Annabeth pursuing their catering business and becoming successful (featured in Southern Living, maybe?).
In terms of romantic relationships on the show, I ship Zoe/Wade and I’m also really into what they’ve done with Annabeth/Lavon. This doesn’t have anything to do with my request, since what I really want is friendship or gen fic, but I figured I would put that out there because I’d prefer my story not contradict my ships if there are any romantic relationships mentioned.
Request #4: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Jane Bennet, Gigi Darcy
I would love a story that puts both Jane and Gigi together sometime post-series in a situation where they can develop a friendship. I am really into the idea of them becoming friends in the future. I don’t know exactly how the rest of the show is planning to end either Jane or Gigi’s individual story, but since Jane is moving across the country, I would assume their contact with each other will be minimal, if at all. However, they’re pretty much sure to spend time together at some point in the not-so-distant future when they’re helping plan Lizzie’s wedding. I’d love to read about them gradually bonding over design and wedding plans to the point where they become real friends, with or without their obvious connection to each other through Lizzie. (I am also open to any other scenario where they become friends! This was just one that I’d been talking over with someone and have in my mind.)
If you don’t want to write a story about Jane and Gigi and would rather write something about one of them separately, that would also be great! Neither one of them has been a major focus on the show, and I would love to read more about them.
For Jane, I would love to read about her new life and new job in New York or her relationship with Lizzie, since that hasn’t been a focus on the show. I hesitate to mention her relationship with Bing because at this point, I’m not sure how I’m going to feel about their eventual resolution on the show. I guess I’d really just rather read gen/friendship fic for Jane, although Bing is almost certainly going to continue to be part of her life so I wouldn’t want to avoid that entirely. I’d just prefer it not be the focus.
For Gigi, again I would love to read about her future adventures, her relationships with Lizzie and/or Fitz, or how her relationship with Darcy has evolved over the years/what it becomes in the future (the dynamics there have a lot of unexplored potential since he’s both older sibling and stand-in parent). If you’re so inclined to include a subplot about her finding love in the future, that would also be something I would enjoy reading.
Final note in terms of preferences: I wasn’t a fan of Lydia’s story (the abuse/Wickham story or how her sibling relationship with Lizzie has been handled), so I would prefer she be used minimally, if at all.
So those are my requests. I hope you find something in my rambling that was helpful, but even if you didn't, these are just some ideas I've had and are in no way a complete list of the stories I would like to read about these characters. Thank you again for writing for me!