Our lady of the cold war

Jan 05, 2001 02:48

today was a thursday, so i went out for coffee with the coffee team and had a good time. Its actually really weird because today was teh busiest that the coffeeshop has ever been. I mean i have seen it bigger on days where there are big events (bands, etc), but for a regular thursday the place was packed. me and trish "tha dish" figured that there was only one table avalible for about 2 hours that night. the really ironic part is that the coffeeshop is closing next week :(

another great thing about coffee tonight was that a ton of people showed up and that was really good, my dear friend jimmy showed up and its always nice to see him cause i almost never get to see him....he's getting married and i'm a bit apprehensive about it, but i know jimmy and he has the tenacity of a scottish teairer on crack when he wants something. Its hard to explain.

although i went to coffee with ken, jimmy drove me home cause he wanted to borrow some stolen software that i have. anywho, we had to go down to the studio and honest to god this was the first time i had been in the studio since the tuesday before xmas! so it has been more then 2 weeks since ihave worked on stuff...i am getting really frustrated with music as of late because i am being lab technician more then i am being "Supa star" electronica producer....it really sux. anywho. Jimmy came down to the studio and me and him started talking about wiring up some electrical outlet's down there since my dad thinks i am going to blow a hole in the side of the planet with all my surge protectors, and jimmy has this thing where he wants to almost prove to me that he can wire up an electrical outlet from my over head light...i would love to give him the oppurtunity to try cause i coulg really use the outlets, but i dont have any money and i need a damn job, but i dont want one cause i havent had one in so long (i'm going on my 5th month without a job)

So the important part about talking to jimmy in the studio is that he is convinced that i need to start heavily promoting myself, otherwise he thinks i;m not going to get a record contract...now mind you i decided almost a year ago that i am not going to buy a bunch of "touring" gear because that's not my thing and that i "touring gear" isnt that good for actually writing music from scratch, it just doesnt offer the GUI control that a computer and hardware has....not to mention most of my synths would fall apart if moved! But he thinks that i wont get signed if i dont promote.

i can see where he's coming from...but i really dont think that touring/promotion should be important until i have an actual product to sell. Beside's that's what Harbinger is for!

So after jimmy left i went up stairs and watch some great stuff about Our lady of Fantoma, and the prophecies she gave these lil girls which allegidly fortold the rise and fall of communisim in russia. Last i check my version of god wasnt that concerend with overthrowing communist regim's

anywho, it was really interested and aparently John Paul II is single handedly responsible for overthrowing communisim and saving the human race from armageddon...fuck saving the world from armageddon i think god would just be happy if american's were more concerned with not polluting the world, rather then worring about the end of the fucking world.

after i got done watching that i felt really dirty...well at least my eyes did, so i took what my mom believes to be an hour long shower, but i think it was only 20min. And yes were still out of conditioner!

After my shower i went and finished building the rack thati started over 2 weeks ago in the studio and put my computer, pro-one, and sample/midicv rack on it. I'm pretty satisfied with the way it looks, adn it is definatly going to make music creation faster, however i am a lil concerned now with lighting aspects since the studio is rather dimly lit and i am worried about using two seperate midi cards and one controller...oh well, i'll figure out a way to make it work.

I am going to sleep on the idea of whether or not to get a job tommorow. But i do realize that i am going to need more money if i am going to ever finsih these two albums...so i am probably going to beg for a job.

Alright, i'm tired...more tommorow!
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